
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Primary contact email (2)

Primary contact email (2)

Posted: March 17, 2015 at 12:14 pm

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March 17, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Do I understand it right, I should get registration confirmations? I don’t. And I tried with different email addresses in the EE4 settings for primary contact email. Also checked in spam. Nothing. And it also does not send auto confirmations to registrations. That should be done, right?
Is there a fix to this?

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by ranchosouth.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Garth.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 17, 2015 at 2:32 pm

Hi, thanks for getting started on troubleshooting.

Since no email notifications are working as expected, then there may be an issue with the local email server.

Try using a transactional email service like Mandrill or Postmark App:

Then both have a generous free tier and can help with email issues.



March 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm

Nope, Mandrill did not help either. I do see registrations in the registrations overview. But I don’t get a email. Question again, should I get an email confirming we had a registration, or not? The registrant also does not get a auto confirmation. Although when I click to resend the person a registration details from the registration overview, that arrives.
Thankfull for any help. This takes longer to make it work then I hoped for.


  • Support Staff

March 18, 2015 at 7:23 am


Yes you should receive a confirmation email, as should the registrant.

Can you go to Event Espresso -> Messages.

Do you see a list of messages like this? –

The emails are triggered when the user Finalizes the registrations and reaches the thank-you page, if you only provide an online payment gateway this would be once payment is made in full, if you provide offline payment gateways (such as Invoice or Cheque) this would be after the user has selected either of those and clicked ‘Finzalize Registration’.

However by default the Event Admin email contexts for all message types go to the Event Author email, that is the Email Address of the user account that create the events.

This can be changed to use the Primary contact email within General Settings if you prefer?


March 18, 2015 at 10:20 am

OK, So I did change the WP settings, and now I do get confirmations. I also use WP mail smtp, which is doing it’s job.
Thanks a lot.
Great profile photo!

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

March 18, 2015 at 11:23 am


I had a question about this comment:

OK, So I did change the WP settings, and now I do get confirmations. I also use WP mail smtp, which is doing it’s job.

An SMTP plugin may use a personal email such as a yahoo account or a gmail account to sent email. Those personal accounts are not intended to send a large amount of email and some may have daily limits.

I would give Mandrill another try or use Postmark App.


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