
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Price Types order problem

Price Types order problem

Posted: February 4, 2015 at 7:53 am

Vittorio Pennazio

February 4, 2015 at 7:53 am

Hello, I’m testing EE4 (currently version 4.4.10, will upgrade to 4.6 soon) and I have a question regarding price types.

On the instruction it says “Price types with equal Orders will be applied in parallel to whatever total precedes them and will not affect each other”.

Therefore, if I understood it right, if I have a ticket amount of let’s say € 1,000, on top of which I have to add 2 surcharges (25% and 3%), if I set both their prices types with order “5”, each of them will be applied to € 1,000 and not in a compound form. So, it should be 1,000 + 250 + 30 = 1280. I have tried that but instead the result is 1,287.50, i.e. 1,000 + (25% of 1,000 = 250) + (3% of 1,250 instead of 1,000).

Did I understand correctly, did I do something wrong or is it EE calculating the 2 surcharges as compound rates instead of having them not affecting each other?

Live (test) example:
If you check “show details”, the credit card fee (which in our case is VAT-free) should be € 72 for the 3-day ticket instead of € 90 and € 60 for the 2-day ticket instead of € 75, as that surcharge should be calculated on the subtotal and not the subtotal+VAT (I have put VAT as a normal Surcharge and not as Tax since the ticket has to be taxed but the credit card fee not, so I cannot apply the taxation afterwards).

Thanks in advance for your help!


February 5, 2015 at 6:42 am


Thanks for reporting this, I can confirm this is an issue. You are right in that is should be apply discounts/surcharges with the same “weight” at the same time, rather than in compound form.

I will raise a ticket to get the devs to take a look at this.

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