
Home Forums Pre-Releases Price Modifier (2)

Price Modifier (2)

Posted: May 21, 2013 at 10:38 pm

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May 21, 2013 at 10:38 pm

I run a very large annual event that we used EE for this year. One of the major features lacking was the ability to have people to purchase a t-shirt, or other addons to the purchase process. We improvised a solution by just creating more ticket options, this meant instead of 1 registration item we had 5. While I have not yet been able to test the price modifier I am really hoping I can use it for our event when we launch our 2014 registration in a week or so.  Again I have not yet tested it, but here is the ideal of what it could be for us as you develop:

Adds a question, and a answer such as:

Would you like a t-shirt? (if yes) Select T-Shirt Size (Drop Down: S – 3XL)

Would you like to have your badge mailed to your home? (if yes, the user is sent a different e-mail template without tickets attached)

Overall the only other important thing is to have a good way from the back end to separate users who order t-shirts, or the mailed option so we can then follow up appropriately.

Even without the features above, I am hoping to reduce the number of possible ticket options for this year, so I am pleased by this addon.

Now if you could only allow the volume discount to work without making use of the cart (for users who select their ticket and go straight to checkout), we would be great for 2014!



  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2013 at 9:37 am

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback. The price modifier add-on modifies the price of the ticket based on the answer to a question. It’s limited to modifying the price and does not add additional questions to the registration forms based on answers to questions (eg. it does not ask for a t-shirt size if the “Would you like a T-shirt” question is answered yes, and does not set a different email template if the registrant prefers the badge get sent to their home).

The t-shirt size question can be hidden and made to display if the “Want a t-shirt” question is answered Yes with a bit of jQuery that could be added to your registration page display template. Here is some example code that can be adapted to your registration form:

	$("label[for='DROPDOWN_63'],select[name='DROPDOWN_63']").hide(); //the question label and dropdown you want hidden 

	$("select[name='DROPDOWN_62']").change(function(){ //the question that if answered Yes makes the next question display
		var myoptionValue = $("select[name='DROPDOWN_62']").val();
	if (myoptionValue == "Yes") {
	} else {




May 23, 2013 at 12:19 am

I appreciate answering my feedback. I have had a chance to test it out, I decided to just run an instance of the pre-release on the site late at night.  For the t-shirt question I just changed the answers to the question to the sizes, and that seems to solve that.

I would still like to see some way to have people receive a different e-mail based on what they purchased.

Now that I have tested it here are a few problems I noticed with it.

1) Adding the question group containing the question to the “Additional Attendees” tab does not actually add it to the question for that attendee. The answer for the main registrant is doubled, and there is no answer recorded for the additional attendee in the backed. (e.g. User selects “Small” t-shirt for $15, tries to register themselves and a guest, is charged $30 for the t-shirt, and is unable to select a different size such as “Large” for the additional attendee.)

2) The data in the excel sheet has some character translation problems. The answer for “Small” is Small [ +$15.00 ]. And no answer is recorded as a blank.


If I find anymore I will update here.


May 23, 2013 at 12:29 am

Correction to my first point. While it is possible to check the box to have the question for the additional attendee, if the box at the top “Additional Attendee Registration info?” is not listed as Full Registration Details it won’t show.

That was me overlooking that detail. Sorry for the confusion.



  • Support Staff

May 28, 2013 at 9:28 am

Hi there,

Are the database tables set as UTF-8 for your WP installation?

Also, yes, in order to have question groups display for additional attendees, the “Full registration details” for additional attendees option needs to be selected.

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