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Presales Questions (6)

Posted: July 17, 2016 at 6:00 pm

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Tim Martin

July 17, 2016 at 6:00 pm


I’m looking for a bookings/payment service for a yoga class site. we offer classes throughout the week and each class is limited in number (I dont want too many students at any one class). I would like people to be able book and pay for individual classes and subscribe to a class or prepay for a number of classses and book dates based on that prepaid amount I.E 10 classes so select any 10 classes you’d like to attend. I think (looking at your site) that your product will do all that. Can I get away with the personal license $69 or would I have to buy the big one?

Just FYI I couldn’t find a list of what was included in the basic package? I was looking to see what you can do with it. Maybe a product comparison page or something? Or maybe its there and I missed it :-S


  • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Tim Martin.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

July 19, 2016 at 4:29 am

Hi Tim,

With your yoga classes are you looking to setup recurring events?

Event Espresso 4 does not currently support recurring events in that you can not create and event that will repeat X amount of times based on Y criteria. For those types of events you would need to manually create each instance of the event.

I would like people to be able book and pay for individual classes and subscribe to a class

Booking individual classes is not problem, however what do you mean by subscribing to a class? EE does not support subscriptions/recurring payments so I just want to clarify what you are looking to do.

or prepay for a number of classses and book dates based on that prepaid amount I.E 10 classes so select any 10 classes you’d like to attend

That’s possible but may not work how you are expecting.

You can create a ticket that allows users to register onto X amount of ‘datetimes’ (instances of the same class within an EE Event) and that ticket can then be used on ANY of those datetimes and you can set a limit for how many they can actually attend.

For example a ticket may be assigned to 10 classes but only allow access to any 5 (you need to set the attendee as ‘checked in’ each time they attendee for this to work)

It sounds like you may be looking for more of a block booking type of feature that allows the user to book onto any event but they have X amount of bookings they can use. Once used they could purchase another block booking. Whilst that would be possible its not included within EE and would require some custom development.

Can I get away with the personal license $69 or would I have to buy the big one?

The EE4 Personal License include only Event Espresso core. You would likely need the Multi Event Registration add-on which could be purchase separately or as part of the EE4 Everything license.

Based on your current feature you could use just core but it depends if you need any of the features of the add-ons if you should purchase the everything license (its better value if your purchasing more then 2 add-ons).

Have you registered to Test Drive Event Espresso 4? You can then view the full core plugin (EE that is included within the personal license) and get a feel for whether or not it will work for your events.

Just FYI I couldn’t find a list of what was included in the basic package? I was looking to see what you can do with it. Maybe a product comparison page or something? Or maybe its there and I missed it :-S

If you view here:

If you click on the blue + icon you’ll get a list of the add-ons included within each package. They all include the same core version of Event Espresso so basically the Personal License has no add-ons, the everything add-on includes all add-ons.

You can view all of the feautres available here:

If you have any further questions please do let us know.

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