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Presales Questions (3)

Posted: May 31, 2014 at 6:23 pm

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Jason Grasso

May 31, 2014 at 6:23 pm


Apologies if these questions have already been raised in other forums, I was unable to find them.

My business is running sports classes over a school term and parents usually sign up their children the term before (say 2 weeks prior). Some parents also sign up during the term if they werent part of our program the term before.

The must have requirements that we are looking for and I hope that your product supports are:

– Allows a parent to sign up to a trial for a particular location (this will need to register them in 2 consecutive sessions (that run weekly).
– Allow us to set a limit to the amount of children per class.
– Allow us to take attendance at each class so we can reconcile who needs to get a make up class (possibly using the iOS app)
– Allow a parent to sign up to a location for the whole term which will automatically register them in to the 10 classes without having to manually select each one.
– Allows us to change the sign up form to capture both the ‘Parent Name’ and ‘Child Name’.
– Allows the parent to sign up their second, third etc child to another session (same location but different time) and receive a set discount.
– Allows for a registration fee to be set per year per child (so not for every school term [4])
– Be able to integrate with PayPal or eWay.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

  • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Jason Grasso.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


June 2, 2014 at 1:31 am

EDIT: apologies this was added to the wrong forum thread.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Dean. Reason: I made a mistake and added a response to the wrong thread


June 2, 2014 at 2:09 am


I would suggest using EE4, it seems to tick most of the boxes. You can test it out for free by signing up at

– Allows a parent to sign up to a trial for a particular location (this will need to register them in 2 consecutive sessions (that run weekly).

EE4 could handle this very well as you can have specific datetimes for an event.

– Allow us to set a limit to the amount of children per class.

Events can have a capacity limit in EE3. Events and tickets can have a capacity limit in EE4

– Allow us to take attendance at each class so we can reconcile who needs to get a make up class (possibly using the iOS app)

Yes, but only via EE3 currently (Ticketing addon and the app).

It can also be done via the admin area in both EE3 and EE4.

– Allow a parent to sign up to a location for the whole term which will automatically register them in to the 10 classes without having to manually select each one.

In EE4 this could be possible if they buy them all at once (i.e. one ticket counts for all ten times).

– Allows us to change the sign up form to capture both the ‘Parent Name’ and ‘Child Name’.

Additional custom questions can be created.

– Allows the parent to sign up their second, third etc child to another session (same location but different time) and receive a set discount.

Not currently. EE3 can’t handle tiered discounts (except a single tier via the volume discounts addon). EE4’s doesn’t have any discount system in place yet (we are working on it).

– Allows for a registration fee to be set per year per child (so not for every school term [4])

This is not a feature in Event Espresso. It would have to be custom coded in or have another system in place to manage it (membership maybe?).

– Be able to integrate with PayPal or eWay.

EE3 supports both gateways. EE4 supports PayPal by default and eWay via Mijireh (UK, Australia and New Zealand only it seems).

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