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Pre-Sales Questions (34)

Posted: March 18, 2016 at 1:14 am

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Stitt Creative

March 18, 2016 at 1:14 am

I apologize if this isn’t the right place to ask this. I have a few pre-sales questions that I couldn’t find answers to:
1. Once a user has registered for an event, can they view a “Summary” or “My Account”, and see what event(s) they have signed up for?
2. If so, is that “Summary” area part of Event Espresso or part of their main WordPress user account on the site?
3. Can you customize the registration fields? For example, can you ask how many are attending, their ages, etc?
4. Is it easy for an admin to generate reports for each event?
5. Is there a gallery or portfolio of example sites that are successfully using Event Espresso?


  • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Stitt Creative.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

March 18, 2016 at 5:15 am

Hi Nate,

Posting up presales questions here is fine 🙂

1. Once a user has registered for an event, can they view a “Summary” or “My Account”, and see what event(s) they have signed up for?

To keep a record of pas registrations that users can view you would need to use the EE4 User Integration Add-on

2. If so, is that “Summary” area part of Event Espresso or part of their main WordPress user account on the site?

You can do both with the above add-on, it will display the registrations within the users account page or you can use the [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] shortcode on a page.

3. Can you customize the registration fields? For example, can you ask how many are attending, their ages, etc?

You can add custom question groups and custom questions to your events, however “can you ask how many are attending” may not work in the way you are curently expecting. The user will need to select the qty of tickets the want to purchase, this will be the amount of users attending. You could also ask a question for this value, however the answer will not be used within the ‘sold’ values for the events.

4. Is it easy for an admin to generate reports for each event?

You can export a CSV of the registrations for each event, this includes details of the registration/transaction and all custom questions.

5. Is there a gallery or portfolio of example sites that are successfully using Event Espresso?

You can find a showcase of site using Event Espresso here:

Have you signed up to Test Drive Event Espresso 4? You’ll receive login details to a site that has the full version of the plugin installed so you can see exactly how EE works.

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