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Pre-Sales Questions (33)

Posted: May 17, 2015 at 10:26 am

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May 17, 2015 at 10:26 am

To Whom It May Concern,

My client is a gun store with shooting range with extensive class schedules that needs a way for its customers to purchase classes online from multiple store locations – soon to be a nationwide franchise. Sandbox (test) Website:

I have extensively tested “The Event Calendar Pro” and “Eventbrite”. Both “event” solutions failed.

My Requirements:
1. Recurring Class Schedule Events for multiple locations (stores)
2. Event “Calendar”. Each “event” must be a hoverable link. Clicking the event link on the calendar takes the student to a detailed class description with image.
3. Ability to “Buy” a class reservation from the hosting location either through PayPal or Debit/Credit Card online.
4. A “remaining seat” countdown indication for each class. Max class size is 15. We need to display (for example) “10 Remaining” or “SOLD OUT!” for each class.

Which version of Event Espresso do you recommend?

Which add-on’s would be required and at what cost per add-on?

I can be reached at (REDACTED – this is a public forum) tomorrow (Monday) 10-4 (Eastern Time). I would welcome your call.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Jeff Wilde

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Dean. Reason: redacted possibly private data
  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


May 18, 2015 at 2:39 am


Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso.

Have you test driven Event Espresso 4 yet? If not I would recommend giving it a run for it’s money, you can do so by signing up for free at

1) Events don’t recur automatically in Event Espresso. You would set up an event for Monday, and for the next Monday you would need a separate event. Events can be set up spanning multiple weeks if you wish but would share capacity, e.g. you could have 1 event that spans all Mondays in November.

EE3 has an addon called Recurring Events Manager that allows for an event to be easily duplicated over time. EE4 does not yet have this functionality.

2) Both the EE3 and EE4 calendars allow hoverable events and on click will send the person to the event details page.

3) I’m not 100% sure what you mean, but if you simply mean that a customer can purchase and pay for an event space online, then yes, that is fundamental to the plugin. Both EE3 and EE4 support PayPal out of the box, but then support various other gateways. Check out this list here, click between the tabs to see which gateways are available for which version.

4) Both versions have a version of the capacity indicator available to them.

In my mind I think you should go for EE4, unless the Recurring Events Manager is an absolute must, in which case you would need to use EE3. I would still recommend test driving EE4 to see if it could work for you as is.

The EE3 Business Licence should have everything you need (total $199.95)

Or the EE4 Personal licence & Calendar (total $99.90)

If you have any other questions or need clarification, just let us know!

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