I just have a couple of questions that I can’t seem to find the answer to (probably my poor searching skills).
1. Is it possible to only allow users who already have a WordPress account to register for events and can specific fields (such as name) be auto filled from the WordPress user profile?
2. Is it possible for users to cancel their own registrations (I think I’ve seen this is but thought I’d check)
I think I’ve covered most my other questions looking through the support forums & documentation.
Thanks in advance,
This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by David Blanchard.
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.
I’m good thanks, although not being able to cancel their own reservations may be a deal breaker for us.
We’re only going to be using this internally to start with, and would be using WP Users Integration as we would be purchasing the Business License but one of the major requirements we have is for people to cancel events themselves if they can’t attend to reduce administrative overhead.
I know you’ve already said no, but is there no way round this as there will be no cost associated so no refund required.
As you have no payments and all your users will be WordPress users, you should be able to use the ‘My Events’ feature within the WP User Integration add.
‘My Events’ displays all the events a user has registered onto and allows the user to cancel their registration.
The user selects the event and clicks cancel registration.
Within the event they will show as Cancelled (red X) and no longer apply to the registration limit for the event – http://take.ms/dtXKp
This can be done via the Front-end or the Admin.
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