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Pre-Sales Questions (12)

Posted: May 1, 2013 at 11:42 pm

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L Tiner

May 1, 2013 at 11:42 pm

I’m interested in purchasing a business license for Event Espresso and have a few questions.  It would probably be easiest to explain what we require and get input from that.

Basically we need it to accept reservations restricted to a member list and have it output a CSV file of attendees.  We also need for members to be able to enter, and pay for any guests they choose to invite in addition to themselves.

Because we would be using the output to generate nametags, the CSV would also need to contain the business they work for.  So my question would be if there is provision within the database for additional fields like company affiliation.

It would also be desirable if the members were able to input the business name for their guests.

I’m also curious about entering new members to the existing member list, if there is a way to do it from within the WordPress admin, or if it would require deleting the old records and inputting an update member list.

I am assuming that Event Espresso does have the capability to restricting RSVPs to a member list, if so, then does it only accept exact matches?  We have members who primarily use nicknames, middle names, and there are some father/son same name entries where junior and senior would be the only differentiation.

I apologize in advance for not having more concise questions, but I appreciate your time in answering my inquiry.  Many thanks!

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


May 2, 2013 at 6:30 am


Event Espresso covers pretty much everything you have said here, though it may do it in a different way.

Reservations for a member list – Event Espresso can restrict registration to events based on if a user is a member. It defines a member as someone who is logged into the WordPress site. Event Espresso doesnt resolve the site registration/login though. As such you will need to use either the default WordPress user system or a thirdparty plugin such as S2Member or Members (by Justin Tadlock).

You can add attendees to the events in the admin, but adding them as a member after the fact does not link them to that registration. It is best if the person registers for the site and then signs up to the events.

Does it only accept exact matches? Well as discussed the membership wise is up to WordPress or the thirdparty plugin. Event Espresso can have numerous of the same person. Currently what it does is creates an attendee record every time a person registers for an event. That is likely to change when 4.0 goes live.

Any logged in member can register for the events and can add additional attendees as well, for example guests.

You can export the attendee or event data to a CSV file.

Regarding additional fields, yes, we use Questions, so the primary attendee will answer questions set for them and set for the additional attendees if any. The answers to these questions will also be exported to CSV or can be viewed in the atttendee’s page in the admin.

I hope that helps, but if you have more questions or need clarification please let me know.

L Tiner

May 6, 2013 at 6:32 pm

First, I’d like to thank you for addressing each of my questions.  From your answers, I have a bit more I’d like to ask.

If we were to allow open registration for events (not checking against a member list), is there any protection against spambots filling the database with erroneous attendees?  I notice you have admin pre-approval, can that be applied solely to those who haven’t prepaid?  If so, this would be a possible solution for spambots.

I suspect many of my questions could be answered by registering for a demo account, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to locate where I found that on the site.

Again, thank you for taking the time to so thoroughly answer my inquiries.


May 7, 2013 at 1:36 am


Spambots are the scourge of all our online lives unfortunately. We do have reCAPTHCA built into the system which will help stop some of them. If you get targeted by human spammers though there is little that can be done. We are always open to suggestions for different systems or ways to tackle registration spam.

The pre approval process works for all registrants regardless of payment status, but that is an interesting angle on it, to only approve non payees, I’ll add it to our possible features list.

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