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Pre Sales Questions (11)

Posted: April 12, 2013 at 1:53 am

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April 12, 2013 at 1:53 am


EventEspresso sounds good ! But i need to have some answers.

I would use it to make visit of museum event. So i need create a Museum description, photo, maybe video, etc…(that’s can be your venue item) The owner of museum must can edit it, and make the guide visit calendar (that’s can be your event item) paiement, ticket, etc.

1/ Do you think EventEspresso can do this ? Super Admin / Owner (Edit and see Only admin own event and venue)

2/ Visit are recurrent,  can be dispatched like 2 visits on a morning monday, 4 visits on saturday afternoon,… Right ? i read it on other pre-sales questions, owner need to create as numbers of event as visit plan ? So do i need to recreate all the tickets (options) each time ? (because the options and tickets are same for all visit plan.

3/ Can i customize Event Admin Dashboard with AdvancedCustomField plugin to make more fields ? (Same for Venue)

4/ Right ? if i take the Custom Field add on to put ACF Field on the Event template ? (Same Venue)

5/ Can you explain me in details the Custom Post Type Add-on ? I understood this like that : Event dashboard create event (configuration) and i can publish this configuration on a page or post (or CPT) to display it on the website ? So in my case maybe can be my Museum description Page…

6/ Does event has shortcode ? Can i have shortcode by venue ? In my case so i can display all visit plans on my venue in his own calendar…

7/ I don’t see search field like booking website ? In my case : Date / Taxonomy State / Tax City for exemple

8/ How can i make a Front-End Event editor for the owner ?

9/ Do you know if i can take commission on the owner paiement ? So like One reservation > 20% for my paiement > 80% for the museum ?

Thank you, I hope my english permit you to understand me… Poor french and his english!


  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


April 15, 2013 at 5:53 am

Hello Laurent,

Firstly, apologies in the delay getting back to you. Hopefully I can answer your queries.

1/ Do you think EventEspresso can do this ? Super Admin / Owner (Edit and see Only admin own event and venue)

If I understand correctly you want different levels to be able to create and edit but only their own work unless an admin. Yes this can be done via the Roles and Permissions Pro add on (Roles and PErmissions BAsic is a requiremnt).

Please note, if you are referring to Super Admin in regards to WordPress Multisite, Event Espresso is not designed to work with Multisite.

2/ Visit are recurrent, can be dispatched like 2 visits on a morning monday, 4 visits on saturday afternoon,… Right ? i read it on other pre-sales questions, owner need to create as numbers of event as visit plan ? So do i need to recreate all the tickets (options) each time ? (because the options and tickets are same for all visit plan.

You can duplicate the event manually (we have a button to duplicate events that will help with this) or use an addon plugin called Recurriong Events Manager, which can help create large numbers of identical events in one go.

3/ Can i customize Event Admin Dashboard with AdvancedCustomField plugin to make more fields ? (Same for Venue)

We have not tested if that plugin works with Event Espresso, you could try it witht he “Lite” version and see. The events do come with Custom Field integration though. Venues do not come with custom fields.

4/ Right ? if i take the Custom Field add on to put ACF Field on the Event template ? (Same Venue)

Not quite sure what you mean, but if you mean can you add ACF fields to the templates then it should be possible but we have never tested it. The templates are customiseable though.

5/ Can you explain me in details the Custom Post Type Add-on ? I understood this like that : Event dashboard create event (configuration) and i can publish this configuration on a page or post (or CPT) to display it on the website ? So in my case maybe can be my Museum description Page…

There is no Custom Post type add on. There is a Custom Files add on whihc has additional functions and features to help customise Event Espresso. It is aimed at intermediate to advanced users with PHP knowledge.

The plugin come with a built in system to create normal Posts which have the event data on, and with a few changes, it can also use a special custom post type called Event (this isnt available by options, you need to change some files to enable it, but we have a guide).

6/ Does event has shortcode ? Can i have shortcode by venue ? In my case so i can display all visit plans on my venue in his own calendar…

We have a variety of shortcodes to display events and venues. We cannot say for certain they would be compatible with a third party calendar system.

7/ I don’t see search field like booking website ? In my case : Date / Taxonomy State / Tax City for exemple

We do have a search system available via a shortcode. However it is currently limited to the event name and venue name.

8/ How can i make a Front-End Event editor for the owner ?

We have a newly released add on (in Pre Release/Beta currently) that does exactly that.

9/ Do you know if i can take commission on the owner paiement ? So like One reservation > 20% for my paiement > 80% for the museum ?

We have no commission or affiliate system as yet. I believe we are looking into something that can work with a thirdparty affiliate system, but it hasnt been confirmed.


April 18, 2013 at 2:44 am

Hello Dean,

Thank you for your replies.

I will try the ACF third party integration with the free version.

For the 9/ question, i’m not sure i explained very well that i need. I would like say :

Owner receive the paiement of their clients like 10$ for a ticket and event facturation system give 2$ to me ?

If you understood that, You think i can solved that by using an affiliate plugin ? Do you know a good one ?

How can i do a CRM email after the event ? Can i have all email in one way or will i need copy/paste all email one by one ?

Thank you


April 18, 2013 at 2:50 am

Sorry Dean…

Last question, how can i put the front-end calendar view and reservation process in an other website like white-label ? (iframe with no header/footer or other way)



April 18, 2013 at 4:45 am

Hello Laurent,

9) No there is no system in place to take a commission off of an event/ticket sale. It *could* be solved by an affiliate plugin, however I do not know how easy or hard it would be to integrate. I have done some research into our planned features and it appears that an affiliate type system will be introduced at some point into the next major iteration of Event Espresso, 4.0. Now this may not be available at launch, and may be further down the release cycle so I cannot give timescales. Sorry about that.

Emails) If you are just wanting to email all the attendees for that event, you can do a mass email via the dashboard. It cannot be automated (eg send email after X numbers of days), but you can email all the attendees. You do not need to email one by one, it will email all in one go.

Other sites) You can use an iframe if you wish, however, I do know that at least some payment gateways (PayPal for example) will simply not work whilst running from an iframe.

We have just released a JSON API that may be able to help you with showing data from your site on other sites, but it is aimed at developers so you would need a decent grounding in PHP or to hire a developer to integrate it. We have a list of developers that can help here

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