
Home Forums Pre-Sales Pre-Sales question about webinar registrations, redirects, etc

Pre-Sales question about webinar registrations, redirects, etc

Posted: February 22, 2013 at 12:39 pm

Desmond Williams

February 22, 2013 at 12:39 pm


I’ve been trying to find a solution that allows someone to pay for and attend a webinar.

We currently use GoToWebinar and Eventbrite. Essentially the process is that someone pays through Eventbrite, we grab the email addresses, then we manually enter the email addresses into GoToWebinar to register them. As you can imagine, this is a clunky solution, especially when you have hundreds of attendees.

As far as I’ve been able to research, there isn’t a reputable plugin solution that allows for someone to pay to attend a webinar AND register for that webinar in one sequence.

I’ve read about a simple workaround that someone could pay to attend a webinar, then they receive a link to register in a confirmation email. While that could work, we don’t want that link to be passed around and shared. So I’m wondering if another possible solution would be that after payment, an attendee would be redirected to the actual registration page (GoToWebinars’s page), in which they could complete the process. Of course that page would have to be embedded in a hidden page, or something similar (I’m still trying to figure that out).

Sorry for the lengthy post here. I guess what I’m asking is: “If payment and registration can’t be automated with our webinar service (GoToWebinar), could an attendee pay and be redirected to a special page that would allow them to complete the registration process?

If there is a different solution to my problem that you have in mind it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Event Espresso looks like great product!


  • Support Staff

February 25, 2013 at 9:08 am

Hi Desmond,

Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso, and this is a great question!

While we don’t have a built-in option that would redirect someone from a successful payment page to a webinar, there is a custom field feature that can be used to display a link to a webinar on a payment overview page. It involves a bit of custom coding, so some familiarity with editing PHP template files is required to customize the default payment overview page.

Here’s a post from the older forums where a similar question was asked and a basic solution was outlined:

Desmond Williams

February 27, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the reply — much appreciated. I’ll think this through a bit more and figure out if your suggestion is the best solution (there aren’t many sadly).

If I need help implementing PHP template files for this particular case, how would I get that? I’m not familiar with editing PHP files (although I am familiar with standard html, css) — so I THINK I’d be able to just follow direction and copy and paste as needed.

Thanks again.

(if following the directions in the post you linked above is enough, just let me know)


February 28, 2013 at 3:41 am

Hi Desmond,

We do try to help out on the forum as much as we can with code snippets and advice however for complex situations you would need to either purchase a Priority Support Token or even look at a Customisation request or hire an external developer. It really depends on the situation.

Desmond Williams

February 28, 2013 at 10:42 am

Ok, great. Thanks for the help!

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