
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium POS solution

POS solution

Posted: March 13, 2024 at 1:49 pm

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March 13, 2024 at 1:49 pm

I’ve posted about our need to add registrations for tickets sold at the door and still looking for the best solution. Would it be possible for me to create registrations via hooks or some other code? I would create a form with just the quantity of tickets and the total. The name would always be Door Sales with other auto-generated required fields to complete the registration. That I could create a registration from the form POST?


March 22, 2024 at 11:04 am

Okay, so I now have certain ticket names hidden on the front end using CSS and even jQuery to remove the tickets from the event page based on the ticket name in the CSS class. Now, tickets with the name ‘Door sales’ only show up in the backend.

I need to know all the things that happen when a backend registration is done. I will develop a form to create a registration for a ‘Door sales’ ticket using static data for any required fields such as address and email. And also apply the payment to that registration. Any help you can provide as far as what hooks may be available or even what db tables need to be updated as a result of that process would be appreciated.

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