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POS options for Event Espresso and Stripe

Posted: May 28, 2024 at 1:10 pm

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May 28, 2024 at 1:10 pm

My non-profit client is using Event Espresso to manage their annual Golf Tournament.
We are looking for Point of Sale transactions so that folks who did not pay their Golfer Registration prior to the event can pay with a credit card at the event. We are using Stripe as our payment processor. I see that they have a keypad but you need to program to it, from what I see and we don’t have time for that.
We’d be fine to sign-up for Square which has keypad and terminal and app to key in amounts. We see that there’s also a PayPal Settle system.
We need to be able to set this up easily and don’t need it to tie into our Event Espresso back end, unless there’s an easy way to do that.
Any help/guidance will be appreciated.


  • Support Staff

May 30, 2024 at 4:16 am

Hi there,

I’d love to be able to give you some advice on this, but in short, I don’t have any experience using them so my advice is general at best.

I can tell you that none of the POS systems will integrate into Event Espresso directly as we don’t have integrations for POS, but as long as you can take the payment on that system and then manually apply a payment into the EE transaction to keep track of it, it can work for you. However, you likely wont want to do that (tracking the payment within EE itself) at the event as it will take a little time to create the payment itself.

So you need a setup that is separate from EE, where you simply set the amount (likely through a mobile app) and use their device to pay. I would compare the rates between them and whichever was the quickest to set up.

It looks like Stripe POS requires an integration into your site rather than working standalone (at least from my brief review) so that’s a no go for you right now.

Square have a few options from just using an app on a mobile device to full terminals:

Side note – I do not recommend sticking with just an app, if contactless payments don’t work for whatever reason your stuck not being able to process that person’s card. I’d recommend getting a card reader so you have the option for contactless and chip and pin transactions…. maybe have the app on other devices if you need multiple so they can take contactless payments and have one card reader as the backup (if that’s supported).

PayPal Zettle is similar, there’s just an app and mobile readers.

Another option I see locally (may or may not apply for you as I’m in the UK) is SumUp:

I see them a lot with small businesses here.

Ultimately what you are looking for is a system completely separate from EE here and it is outside of my expertise but pretty much any of them should work as long as you can enter a payment amount of collect. It’s standalone from EE your not tied to any specific merchant (as mentioned looks like Stripe is out as they require an integration).

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