
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Plugin EE usage problems.

Plugin EE usage problems.

Posted: January 5, 2014 at 11:54 pm

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N. F.

January 5, 2014 at 11:54 pm

I installed this plugin and after testing, I experienced some problems.
1. I set up 5 types of different prices for 1 event. Main event registration page: (price,date, view details)
in price column every time when i login, i see different prices
If it’s not possible to control, can I replace it with text: “Options”?
2.How do paid customers get tickets? I did testing. I paid for the event and i got my paypal receipt. But no ticket. How can i get tickets, should I send ticket manually to customer? Anyway if it’s automatic, how can should it be set up?
3. I can not upgrade company logo on my ticket using upload button? How can I upload it?
4. Can I delete gravatar icon completely from ticket?
5. Can I eliminate EE ticketing system link from tickets, and how?

Thank you.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by N. F..


January 6, 2014 at 2:24 am

Hi Nadya,

Welcome to Event Espresso, hopefully I can help you out today.

1) I couldn’t see the tickets as the event isn’t open yet, but what normally happens is the first ticket created is the one that appears first in the dropdown. There currently isn’t a way to set it to “options” unless you use some JavaScript to achieve this.

2) I assume you have the ticketing add on installed and active? If so simply add the [ticket_link] tag into the email. The users can click this to get an HTML version of the ticket they can print or show you or they can download a PDF version.

3) This has come up earlier today but I cannot replicate it. Is this the process you are following:

* Go to General Settings > Organization Settings section and click Upload Image
* Upload an image or select one from MEdia Library
* Click the Insert into post button
* Save settings

4) You would need to create a custom ticket –

5) Again, by creating a custom ticket.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any further questions.

N. F.

January 6, 2014 at 1:03 pm

Hello Dean,
Thank you for the quick answer.
After reading your email I still have some problems.
1.Unfortunately, the price shows up not the way you described. I have 5 different prices: drop down is $55, upper price is $2,550. Every time a different customer uploads the page, he/she sees a different price. If there’s no way to add a text, “option”, can I at minimum, fix it onto the low price? I`m now happy that it’s moving, it’s kind of confusing. Any solution?

2.Ticket issue resolved, thank you.
3.I cannot upload a logo, using the way below. How can I do it manually, or where is the coding located (like header.php…)?

* Go to General Settings > Organization Settings section and click Upload Image
* Upload an image or select one from Media Library
* Click the Insert into post button
* Save settings

4 & 5. Thank you for the link.

6.I also have one unresolved question. During event testing, I guess I tried to register some amount of times, and right now my ID number for clients starts with 30. Is there a way to reset the number to 1 (one) again?


January 6, 2014 at 11:57 pm


1) What it could be is the Members (WP User Integration plugin). If you are logged in you will see the members prices rather than the normal prices. Can you check to see if they are different? (They are to the right of the normal prices with the event).

Other than that it should show the first price entered. I checked your site, but there is currently no dropdown menu on the event there.

3) Very strange. Can I ask what browser you are using? Can you disable all other plugins and test to see if the upload works then? There isn’t another way to add the image without adding it directly to the database, and I would like to find out why this is occurring as all my tests state it should work correctly.

6) The ID is generated by the database (auto increment), so the only way to reset it is to delete all attendees and do an SQL query on the table. However, the ID is for internal use only so the attendees won’t see that information.

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