
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium pick date/shared tickets

pick date/shared tickets

Posted: May 5, 2014 at 12:45 pm


May 5, 2014 at 12:45 pm

I want an Event that has multiple datetimes to use the same ticket, but I need the buyer to pick the datetime.

I need to use the same ticket to control inventory (we only have 100 tickets for Event), but I need to know which datetimes the buyers are coming to.

I always have a fixed inventory for all datetimes per event.

Hope I’m just missing something simple…

using ee4

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

May 5, 2014 at 2:30 pm

Hi Michael,

You can create multiple date times and then allow access to the datetimes for a certain ticket. Here is what that would look like:



May 5, 2014 at 2:55 pm

I want:
1 event
4 datetimes
1 ticket (qty 100)

customer1 *picks datetime 1*, then buys ticket (99 left).
customer2 picks datetime 2, then buys ticket (98 left).

I can’t allow customer to buy ticket and show up at any datetime. They must choose datetime.

Can’t use separate tickets because I need to control inventory at the Event level.



May 6, 2014 at 2:15 am


I don’t think there is an exact match for your request. The closest would be:

4 datetimes each with max limit set to 25 (total 100)
4 tickets each allocated to one datetime, and with a max capacity of 25.

That way the max capacity is always 100, and each datetime will decrease along with the max capacity.


May 6, 2014 at 7:37 am

THanks Dean. I think that will be too confusing for our customers.

Is there something else we can do? I really want EE to work for us.


May 6, 2014 at 8:01 am

to clarify: We’re a reseller. We get tickets donated to us, and we sell them at a discount. So we get 100 tix for Show 1, and we sell them until we run out of tickets. This is why we need inventory at the Event level.
When we have a sale, we tell the theater that someone will be coming that night. (this last part we plan to hire a developer to automate. if we have 6 sales for Show 1, we want a *summary* email at the end of the day to send automatically to that theater saying “6 people will be coming tonight, here are there names.” this instead of emailing theater at each sale. we tally this manually now, but want to automate, and so since we plan on hiring a developer anyway, we are open to a solution to the fix the first issue in this thread.)
thanks again

Sidney Harrell

May 7, 2014 at 5:24 pm

You could do something like what I did here: You would have one event with the 100 tickets. When someone buys one of the tickets, it generates a one-time use coupon code that the user can then apply to one of the Shows. Since you are bringing in a developer, I would show them that code and see if they can integrate it into their solution.


May 8, 2014 at 7:07 am

THank you very much for sharing. This is conceptually very close and makes me think our project won’t be too difficult. Is this code for EE3 or 4, I can’t tell.

Could you tell me how we might expect using custom development to impact our maintenance of the plugin, updates etc.? THanks

Sidney Harrell

May 9, 2014 at 11:39 am

That code is for EE3. It’s set up as a separate plugin that provides a shortcode, so that updating EE core will not affect it. If your developer can set up their modifications in a similar way, that would be ideal. Otherwise there are several options that will still allow you to update EE core without overwriting custom work. Any modifications to files in the templates or gateways folder can be done by copying the file to uploads/espresso/templates or uploads/espresso/gateways before doing the modification. Many of the functions in the core files have overrideable wrappers, so that custom versions of the function can be created and loaded in the theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin. Those functions can be distinguished by if (function_exists(xxx)) preceding the actual function. We have also tried to add in hooks where possible, to allow for customizations. If all those methods fail, and the developer is forced to make a modification to a core file, it is recommended that they add in a overrideable wrapper to the core function, so that when you do update EE core you only have to add back in the overrideable wrapper.


May 9, 2014 at 2:12 pm

Thanks again Sidney. That’s cool, I didn’t know about overrideable wrappers. Your feedback is very helpful.

On a separate note, it’s looking more and more like we can use EE out of the box.

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