
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium PHP 8.2 and WP 6.4.2

PHP 8.2 and WP 6.4.2

Posted: January 30, 2024 at 2:11 pm

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January 30, 2024 at 2:11 pm

I am about to update my website to PHP 8.2 and WP 6.4.2
Is Event Espresso stable, no major bugs on these versions?


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2024 at 4:53 pm

Hi there,

Compatibility with PHP is by far the bigger concern. No reports of major issues. Additionally, we use Event Smart to host event websites for people. Event Smart gives us the ability to test our event plugin against lots of websites and events and monitor how things are performing (see errors). We used that platform to fix any issues and have been running PHP 8.2 on Event Smart for several months.

So, we expect PHP 8.2 and WP 6.4.2 to be fine for you.

However, we have seen hosts do strange things with “their” compiled version of WordPress (looking at you Siteground), so if you run into any issues let us know.

As best practices, we always recommend backing up your database, and testing on a staging website before deploying to a live website. We follow that same process.

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