
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Person is approved as registered, but person had NOT paid

Person is approved as registered, but person had NOT paid

Posted: January 9, 2025 at 4:28 pm

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January 9, 2025 at 4:28 pm

For the past several months, we keep gettting notifications that a person has registered and is approved, but in fact, the person has not paid.

We have also tested the system and this problem occurs for us, too. We filled out the registered form, was directed to PayPal, then backout and did not pay. But we are “approved” and our names are in the “green” font.

This not happened for all our events. We have checked the setting and cannot see anything that is incorrect.

Please HELP!


  • Support Staff

January 9, 2025 at 4:39 pm

Hi there,

Can you link me to an event this has happened on, please?


January 10, 2025 at 5:40 am

It could be happening on other events; I have not tested the other events.

As far as I know, this event is functioning properly:


  • Support Staff

January 10, 2025 at 5:59 am

All of your events have the ‘Default Registration Status’ option set to be Approved.

That option basically tells Event Espresso that regardless of what the payment status is if the registrant completes the registration and makes it to the thank you page, set the status to be Approved. Some users want all registrations to work this way and then manage payments/issues separately whilst the registration holds a ‘sold’ spot on the event.

So EE is currently working ‘correctly’ as it is set up to do on the events.

It sounds like you want a ‘Default Registration Status’ of ‘Pending Payment’ which is the default status we use within EE until it is changed by the admin.

The first thing you need to do is check that the default setting for that value is set to Pending Payment, right now I suspect it was changed. Go to:

Event Espresso -> Events -> Default Settings (Tab at the top of the table)

What is default option for ‘Default Registration Status’ set to there? Approved?

Change it to Pending Payment and save.

Thats the ‘default’ option used for that setting when you create events so that fix will only apply to events you create moving forward.

To fix your current events you’ll need to edit each individual event and set the ‘Default Registration Status’ to be ‘Pending Payment’.

Event Esprtesso -> Events -> {Click to edit event}

In the ‘Event Registration Options’ metabox (usually on the right) you’ll see the individual events ‘Default Registration Status’.

Change that to be Pending Payment, like this:

Update the event.

Repeat that for all of your current events.

From there, if a user registers makes it to the thank you page (by whatever method other payment in full) then they will be marked as Pending Payment rather than Approved.


January 10, 2025 at 3:35 pm

Thank you for your assistance! The issues has been resolved. It worked!

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