
Home Forums Events Calendar Add-on Perplexing Calendar / Weekends Display Issue

Perplexing Calendar / Weekends Display Issue

Posted: July 11, 2012 at 11:06 am

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July 11, 2012 at 11:06 am

I’m having an issue where events happen on week days (m-f), spam 2 or 3 weeks but these events don’t occur on the weekends. This is in a classroom setting. The calendar view shows the events spanning 3 weeks and covers the weekends as well. The thing we are trying to accomplish is not showing the events as spanning across the weekend so that we don’t have confusion with our membership. We don’t have classes on the weekends but we do have other events on the weekends so I can’t use the “Show Weekends” setting in the admin section.

If I make 2 or three entries (1 for each week span), The registration isn’t for one event, it’s for 3 separate events.

Knowing this is just a display issue, any ideas on how to handle this?


  • Support Staff

July 11, 2012 at 1:16 pm

What you could do is link the other two entries to the first one by using the alternate registration URL feature. Use the URL for the first event for the other two so when someone clicks on that event, it will take them to the one that is set for registration.


July 11, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Sounds like a great idea. I’ll play around with it and see if it works for me.

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