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PDF Invoicing

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 10:52 pm

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June 25, 2013 at 10:52 pm

I Seem to Be having a problem, with the PDF receipt, it allows users to download there receipts from the email however there’s no user data its blank and the chase payment tech gateway the response relay shows one thing but the question mark shows different and can not get it to work. now i also have a different problem i have a custom development no relations to problems above they were present before the custom developments, i need these persevered these are the fallowing.

1.Button to copy billing information

2. Export class roster.



Ezaxt Gate Way NOT WORKING



June 26, 2013 at 2:52 am

Hi Tommy,

There are a few questions here, which I will try and separate and answer as best as possible.

Blank invoice – is the data in the attendee overview correct? Is there any errors showing when you try to download an invoice? Do you have a sample link I could see?

chase payment tech gateway – I am not sure what gateway you are referring to. You also mention Ezaxt (Exact?). Can you clarify which gateways are active on your site please? If it is the Exact gateway, can you clarify which page you have set as the Relay Response URL?

Button to copy billing information & Export class roster – if these are custom developed you will need to refer to the developer that created them. It looks like you referred it to us but it never got started?

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