
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Paypal submit secure page

Paypal submit secure page

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 3:04 pm

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November 16, 2012 at 3:04 pm

Currently still testing in sandbox mode, I’m getting the emails of ‘Instant Payment Notification – Gateway Variable Dump’ with a failed notification.
Payment on paypal goes through successfully, just as you return to the website, I get this message.

“Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that is not secure on

Submitting sensitive information is strongly discouraged.”

That then loops me back to the page that skips straight to paypal, and then becomes a loop round.

All the registrations are being recorded, but incomplete.

What’s wrong please?


  • Support Staff

November 16, 2012 at 3:14 pm

Hi there,

Is the Instant Payment notification turned on in the PayPal account settings?

You can get an SSL certificate installed for your domain and force the return page to load as https (configured in EE>Payment Settings > PayPal Settings) to address the not secure message.

The loop that is happening is first caused by the payment notification failing, which will send the user back to the payment page. If the “Show payment options for “Pending Payments” on the Payment Overview page?” in EE>General Settings is set to yes, then it will show the payment page if the payment notification fail. Then, if the ByPass Payment overview page option is set to Yes in the PayPal settings, it will loop back around.

We’ve prepared some information on how to troubleshoot the instant payment notification failure:


November 18, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Thanks Josh,

Had a nightmare of a weekend trying to resolve Paypal with EE.

I’m leaving the process without an SSL certificate, as I’m only on the standard Paypal and its a secure payment on their website.
I’m now getting an IPN – Gateway Variable Dump email everytime, with instant payment notification failed. From what I’ve read, this a success in Sandbox terms?

I am still getting this error from the browser ‘opera’ – “Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that is not secure on

Submitting sensitive information is strongly discouraged.”

I am not looping anymore, now that I am making the client click on the only option available to them, instead of going straight to paypal.

Also, my thank you page, are displaying these results in sandbox.

Payment Overview Class/Event: Annual Scientific Meeting
Primary Registrant: Betty Boo2
Payment Type: PayPal
Payment Date: November 18, 2012
Amount Paid/Owed: £0.00

Payment Status: Incomplete
Registration ID: 4-50a966ce1361b
Transaction ID: 83762215GF110774N

Is this why I’m still not getting a paid email?
Currently I’ve got my registration email with a ticket link on it, which makes no sense if the paid email never comes through.

Any ideas, or confirmation of what needs to be done please?


November 19, 2012 at 3:22 am

Following my email above, I’ve run a live test out of sandbox mode.
Success in payment to Paypal, (even though my 00.01 has been gobbled up by paypal)
Receipt and invoice emails from paypal received.
1 registration confirmation email received.

But, i’m still not getting a confirmation of payment email to the client with the ticket, and I’m still getting a Instant Payment Notification – Gateway Variable Dump email, but this time from ‘WordPress’.
Checked the IPN Log, the error is – “Errors resulting from the execution of curl transfer”

Any ideas?


November 19, 2012 at 3:24 am

And in the Thank you page – the Amount Paid/Owed: £0.00
as incomplete.


  • Support Staff

November 19, 2012 at 8:45 am

Hi there,

You raise a few points, and I’ll try to address them one by one below:

I’m leaving the process without an SSL certificate, as I’m only on the
standard Paypal and its a secure payment on their website. I’m now
getting an IPN – Gateway Variable Dump email everytime, with instant
payment notification failed. From what I’ve read, this a success in
Sandbox terms? I am still getting this error from the browser ‘opera’
– “Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that
is not secure on
Submitting sensitive information is strongly discouraged.”

That’s not a success in sandbox terms. Is the page with the espresso_txn_page publicly viewable.

Re: the “Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that is not secure” message, the only way to address this is by installing an SSL certificate on your site and securing the return page.

But, i’m still not getting a confirmation of payment email to the
client with the ticket, and I’m still getting a Instant Payment
Notification – Gateway Variable Dump email, but this time from
‘WordPress’. Checked the IPN Log, the error is – “Errors resulting
from the execution of curl transfer”

What are the error messages that display on the line after it says that in the IPN log?


November 19, 2012 at 11:07 am

The rest of the error message in the IPN Log is –

“Errors resulting from the execution of curl transfer: [11/19/2012 9:38 AM] – SUCCESS!
IPN POST Vars from gateway:
mc_gross=0.01, protection_eligibility=Ineligible, item_number1=, payer_id=XLYGYQRQ7EVNL, tax=0.00, payment_date=01:38:21 Nov 19, 2012 PST, payment_status=Completed, charset=windows-1252, mc_shipping=0.00, mc_handling=0.00, first_name=BENJAMIN, mc_fee=0.01, notify_version=3.7, custom=, payer_status=verified,, num_cart_items=1, mc_handling1=0.00, verify_sign=AMtgchOI6KBFxn33ITCRudKO159bAPMh3mEkZ5nq4G98715-U6VlSXja,, mc_shipping1=0.00, tax1=0.00, txn_id=3V559738FT196964C, payment_type=instant, last_name=BRADLEY, item_name1=Allied Healthcare Professionals for Annual Scientific Meeting. Attendee: Bob Fox,, payment_fee=, quantity1=1, receiver_id=C3XYZ9FBWQB4U, txn_type=cart, mc_gross_1=0.01, mc_currency=GBP, residence_country=GB, transaction_subject=Shopping CartAllied Healthcare Professionals for Annual Scientific Meeting. Attendee: Bob Fox, payment_gross=, ipn_track_id=6cad54c5525bc,
IPN Response from gateway Server:

That’s not a success in sandbox terms. Is the page with the espresso_txn_page publicly viewable. – Yes – this is not protected, and it is using the txn template.


  • Support Staff

November 20, 2012 at 10:22 am

There aren’t any errors there, so that’s good. What I would try next is to rule out a plugin conflict. What you can do is try deactivating any non – Event Espresso plugins for a few minutes and run a test.
Also, did you test this using a live PayPal account our a sandbox account? I wasn’t sure as both of these methods were mentioned in another thread.


November 26, 2012 at 4:07 am

Hi Josh,

I’m at a complete loss at whats going wrong with hooking paypal up to EE.

I have proper SSL certificate thats cost £60, not a shred certificate. On the Thank You page i’ve had some ‘Complete’ payment status, but the mixture of complete and incomlpete still always produces ‘An instant payment notification failed’ email, even though my sandbox IPN test is always successful.

Incomplete payments

Make sure you have a standard or a business PayPal account, personal accounts will not work. BUSINESS ACCOUNT
Turn on your IPN in the PayPal account settings. Notification URL
Make sure your PayPal account is verified. VERIFIED
Make sure your Event Espresso pages are not protected or private. NO, TRANSACTIONS & THANK YOU PAGES – FORCE SSL TICKED
Check the log file in wp-content/uploads/espresso/logs for errors
Verify that cURL is installed on the server. YES

Any ideas please?
Install the simplified transactions page template. YES

Sidney Harrell

November 26, 2012 at 12:24 pm

The problem is the notify url is being sent as /?page_id=382, but when you try to go to that url, it is set as a 301 redirect to the /transactions page permalink url. The ipn message is in the post data, and will not survive a 301 redirect. The only way to fix it is to use the get_permalink wordpress function in the paypal_vars.php file.


November 26, 2012 at 12:41 pm

Thanks Sidney, Can you explain how to fix it in more detail please?
Where is the paypal_vars.php file?



November 26, 2012 at 12:47 pm

Does this fix go in my templates or child theme to future proof it too?

Sidney Harrell

November 26, 2012 at 1:15 pm

in gateways/paypal/paypal_vars.php, line 58:

$myPaypal->addField('notify_url', $home . '/?page_id=' . $org_options['notify_url'] . '&id=' . $attendee_id . '&r_id=' . $registration_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=paypal');

You’ll want something like:

$permalink = get_permalink($org_options['notify_url']);
if ($paypal_settings['force_ssl_return']) {
   $permalink = str_replace("http://","https://", $permalink);
$myPaypal->addField('notify_url', $permalink. '/?id=' . $attendee_id . '&r_id=' . $registration_id . '&event_id=' . $event_id . '&attendee_action=post_payment&form_action=payment&type=paypal');

You can copy the paypal folder from wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/gateways/paypal to wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways. That will preserve the change across upgrades. However, it will also keep any code in that folder that gets changed by the dev team, so be careful. I don’t know why you are getting the 301 redirect, because I don’t think that is the usual WordPress behavior. Do you have some kind of SEO plugin installed?


November 26, 2012 at 1:21 pm

These are all my plugins par all the EE plugins.
Role Manager
WishList Member
WordPress Database Backup
and a ‘Coming soon’ plugin that is deactivated along with ‘Hello dolly’.
I shall give that a go right now, thanks Sidney!


November 26, 2012 at 1:40 pm

Another failed payment gateway.


blockquote cite=””>


November 26, 2012 at 1:43 pm

Another failed payment gateway.


November 26, 2012 at 1:44 pm

An instant payment notification failed
from on 11/26/2012 at 8:36 PM


mc_gross: 70.00

protection_eligibility: Ineligible



tax: 0.00

payment_date: 12:36:39 Nov 26, 2012 PST

payment_status: Completed

charset: windows-1252

mc_shipping: 0.00

mc_handling: 0.00

first_name: John

mc_fee: 2.58

notify_version: 3.7


payer_status: verified


num_cart_items: 1

mc_handling1: 0.00

verify_sign: Aj8lz4dWu7cp2uHd477pG3jvDUyFAeCWNUhXAxwaL.LQ2-nmvVqYh-5g


mc_shipping1: 0.00

tax1: 0.00

txn_id: 6GV913533F2626002

payment_type: instant

last_name: Smith

item_name1: Allied Healthcare Professionals for Annual Scientific Meeting. Attendee: John Smith



quantity1: 1

receiver_id: UD8SNXA6S3BTC

txn_type: cart

mc_gross_1: 70.00

mc_currency: GBP

residence_country: GB

test_ipn: 1

transaction_subject: Shopping CartAllied Healthcare Professionals for Annual Scientific Meeting. Attendee: John Smith


ipn_track_id: 199a21b6a6f88


  • Support Staff

November 26, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Hi there,

Is the PayPal setting in Event Espresso>Payment settings set to use Sandbox? If so, is the sandbox personal account (the account that is making the test payment) set to have Payment Review Disabled?


November 26, 2012 at 3:54 pm

Hi Josh,

Yes it’s already set to Disabled.


November 27, 2012 at 4:57 am

For a plugin thats out of the box, it seems to have failed to connect up with paypal for what ever reason. Is it best that I get a support token for someone to get it hooked up to Paypal and working, as I don’t want this to go on for another week? Even though I dont see why I should be charged the $69.


  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 8:16 am

Hi there,

I’m pretty sure we can help you get up and running without purchasing a support token. We can investigate further by running a test with our PayPal sandbox credentials if you can send WordPress admin access. We can also check Sidney’s suggested workaround if you can send FTP access.

If that’s possible, please send temporary admin and FTP access via our contact form:

Select the “I am sending login info as requested” department form.


November 27, 2012 at 10:07 am

Thanks Josh, details supplied as requested.


  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 12:41 pm

Hi there,

We couldn’t access the server with the FTP credentials you sent. Can you double check those and resend? Thanks.


November 27, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Sorry Josh, the ftp details should still be fine. I’ve now unlocked the ftp access until 12:13 AM GMT.



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 2:50 pm

I’m sorry, but can you check to make sure that the username and password you sent is correct? Thanks.


November 27, 2012 at 4:14 pm

I’ve sent an email to Sidney, with an explanation that my details supplied are correct. Thanks.

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