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Paypal payment option error

Posted: June 18, 2024 at 9:54 am

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June 18, 2024 at 9:54 am

Getting the following error when paying via Paypal Commerce:


Followed by a much longer error message starting with:

Got an error response (AJAX): Payment cound not be captured!
… “debugid”:”f135836d5931d”…

Payments were working through at least May 31. The next payment, June 9, was unable to be processed.

I have deactivated/reactivated my Paypal account in the Paypal Commerce settings.

Thank you for you assistance in resolving this issue.


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2024 at 11:31 am

Hi there,

Can I take a look in the admin? I’d like to check the payment method logs to see if there are any more details there.

If that’s ok, you can send temp login details over using this form:


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2024 at 4:37 pm

lHi there,

So theres 2 errors being thrown on your site, I suspect they are related.

Once is stating that the value of the amount sent to PayPal is incorrect, then another saying you don’t have permissions to create an order within PayPal.

We’ll start with the first and see if that fixes the second.

It looks like your server has been updated to PHP 8.2.18 recently.

Within PHP 8 is an option for serialize_precision and the default for PHP8 is high (yours is 100), which then causes issues with floats (numbers) when sent to payment processors.

Within your control panel do you the option to change PHP settings? Check if there is an option to change serialize_precision to -1. If not, open up a ticket with your web host and ask them to set this for you.

Then try another PayPal payment and see if you get to the Paypal screen (note a $0.01 payment is too small, set a ticket of $1.50 and try to register, if it makes it to the Paypal checkout page its now working)


June 18, 2024 at 9:46 pm

I chatted with support at my host and nothing was resolved. A ticket was begun.
So what I did was dial back PHP from 8.2 to 8.1 and it works!

I do have another issue (if I need to start a new thread, let me know)
I have a “percent surcharge” set up. The “show prices with taxes included” toggle does not seem to work. Whether in YES or NO position, the surcharge appears in the display price.
Is that toggle just for “taxes” and not for other price adjustments?



  • Support Staff

June 19, 2024 at 1:04 am

Whenever there’s new issue, you have to open new thread.

. The “show prices with taxes included” toggle does not seem to work. Whether in YES or NO position, the surcharge appears in the display price.

When set to NO, they will only see the Base Price and other price type, except for the tax. The tax will be viewed only in the checkout page.

Check this screenshot.

Can you send me the URL of the event that has problem?



  • Support Staff

June 19, 2024 at 2:44 am

I chatted with support at my host and nothing was resolved. A ticket was begun.

Odd! Setting a PHP option on the server should be a relatively quick and easy job for them, even when running on shared hosting setting values like these should be easily doable (I run sites on several different hosting platforms, they all allow for this).

Something like:

ini_set('serialize_precision', -1);

In your wp-config.php file should do it, done.

I recommended you contact your host t do it as they’ll know their servers best and how they want options set etc.

So what I did was dial back PHP from 8.2 to 8.1 and it works!

This is a little strange, becuase PHP8.0 is when the change to serialize_precision happened and I can see on your site that even with 8.1.XX the option is still 100.

Is that toggle just for “taxes” and not for other price adjustments?

Technically yes, but ‘other price adjustments’ would usually be considered within the ticket price and then the tax applied… so if you have price modifiers this option should still work in the same way.


June 19, 2024 at 10:05 am

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