
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Paypal Multiplying amount owed

Paypal Multiplying amount owed

Posted: August 16, 2012 at 12:21 pm

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August 16, 2012 at 12:21 pm

Good afternoon. We are having an issue with this plugin. When i manually added a couple attendees to the backend of the site, and set them up to pay for their $375 registration, it is multiplying the amount owed in paypal. Even though the registration says $375 owed, when i go to pay via paypal, the cart is telling me $750 is owed (still with 1 ticket). For the next person registered, the site is telling me $375 is owed, but paypal is telling me that $1125 is owed (375 x 3). I am unable to pay 375 for those attendees. Please help.


  • Support Staff

August 16, 2012 at 2:15 pm

I wasn’t aware you could register someone in the backend of the site, then continue onto PayPal.

I would recommend adding these through the front end of the site in instances like these.


August 16, 2012 at 2:19 pm

i did them in the frontend initially, with the same result.

I did find one possible explanation though, i had a friend register for me on his computer, and it displayed the correct amount in paypal, but when he registered a second one, it doubled it. I had a second friend enter that last registration, and it listed correctly. it seems like multiple registrations from the same computer (not even the same computer, more like the same IP), resulted in multiplication of amount due in paypal.

FYI, you can register someone in the backend, then alter the amount due, and send a payment notice via email, which will lead to paypal.


  • Support Staff

August 16, 2012 at 2:54 pm

Right, but there isn’t an option to go to PayPal right from the WP admin though, or is there?

Anyway, it sounds like something isn’t right with the sessions. I’m wondering if the session data isn’t getting cleared after the first registration is made.

Check the registration cancelled page and make sure it is published, and has the correct shortcode as instructed on the Event Espresso>General Settings>Page settings. Then when you’re manually adding registrants, navigate to the registration cancelled page to make sure the session is cleared.

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