After a user registers they are redirected to the paypal payment page. Then after they pay on paypal they are redirected to the website thank you page. From the thank you page it says payment incomplete and they are redirected to paypal again (Even though they have been charged for the payment). Then from paypal you have to either, pay again (and be charged again) and be redirected to the thank you page where it shows payment complete, or click back and go back to the thank you page where it shows payment complete.
Essentially, the first payment never shows payment complete (even though the payment is charged) and the users are forced to pay again to get a payment complete.
I need a way to fix this. Thanks. ee 3.1.36. wp 3.9.1
This topic was modified 10 years ago by Fitness Universe.
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.
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