What setting should be used for auto-return and what would the URL (or page) be? This is for paypal express and EE4.
Auto Return for Website Payments
Auto Return for Website Payments brings your buyers back to your website immediately after payment completion. Auto Return applies to PayPal Website Payments, including Buy Now, Donations, Subscriptions, and Shopping Cart. Learn More
Auto Return:
Auto Return:
Return URL: Enter the URL that will be used to redirect your customers upon payment completion. This URL must meet the guidelines detailed below. Learn More
Set auto return to On and set the URL to be your ‘Thank you’ page which by default is http://domain.com/thank-you/
You can find the URL for your thank you age within Event Espresso -> General Settings -> Critical pages.
Click the ‘View’ link on the thank you section and then copy the URL from the address bar.
Event Espresso overrides that setting for each payment but PayPal require something is set to enable the option.
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