
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium PayPal Commerce error. Gateway Response “missing_order”

PayPal Commerce error. Gateway Response “missing_order”

Posted: December 16, 2024 at 3:46 pm

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Andrea Monti

December 16, 2024 at 3:46 pm

Hello. On Nov 6, we changed the payment method from PayPal Standard to PayPal Commerce as indicated.
Attendees were registering with no problems until Nov 29. On that day we created a Black Friday discount code. When people started trying to register using that code 8 of 10 transactions couldn’t be completed showing Gateway Response “missing_order”. Those attendees contacted us, we switched back to PayPal standard and problem solved. We know we have to stop using PayPal Standard bu we do not know how to fix the problem with PayPal Commerce. Please advise ASAP. Thank you very much.
WordPress 6.7.1 running Vantage theme.
Event Espresso 5.0.31.p


  • Support Staff

December 16, 2024 at 4:30 pm

Hi there,

Take a look in Event Espresso -> Payment methods.

At the top of the list table you’ll see a logs tab, click that.

Now you’ll see log entries for your EE Transactions.

Find a transaction this happened on in that table (the TXN ID is on the right), click on the log ID to the left for the log entries for that transaction, do you see any errors there?

I’m guessing you’ll see an ‘invalid_string_length’ error but we need to confirm.

Also go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> System information.

Search that page for ‘serialize precision’, what value does it show?

Andrea Monti

December 17, 2024 at 4:11 am

Thanks for your fast answer. Gateway Logs Lifespan is set to 7 days so, all those transaction logs are lost. Searching my browser history, I found I was inquiring about “NOT_AUTHORIZED
Authorization failed due to insufficient permissions.
PERMISSION_DENIED: You do not have permission to access or perform operations on this resource.”
Froms System Information:
serialize precision ( 3 )
global value
local value


  • Support Staff

December 17, 2024 at 4:18 am

serialize precision of 100 is most likely causing this. That value (and how it is applied) changed in PHP7, the default values used to be -1.

It means that float values (decimals) are represented to a more precise value, so 10.99 would be show as something like 10.9876345242443

PayPal only accepts 2 decimal places so when that happens it throws an invalid string length error.

Change serialize_precision to be -1, your host will usually have section for setting PHP options and it often includes the above setting. Then retest PayPal Commerce and see if you get errors, if so, post up the log entry for them from above and I can investigate further.

Andrea Monti

December 17, 2024 at 9:04 pm

Thank you very much. I’ll ask somebody who knows how to do that, to edit the PHP setting for us. If new issues show up, I will contact you sooner, before the gateway logs get deleted ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Support Staff

December 18, 2024 at 2:32 am

Whilst you know there might be an issue, you could raise the log lifespan a little to give some more wiggle room.

Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Settings -> Gateway Logs Lifespan

14 days gives you a little more space, or 30 for maximum effort ๐Ÿ™‚

Once PayPal Commerce is confirmed work just lower it down again if needed.

Andrea Monti

December 27, 2024 at 10:29 am

Hi, finally, alter talking to Godaddy, we got them to change that parameter (because it is not allowed to edit it on our side). This is how it looks now.
serialize precision ( 3 )
global value
local value

Would it be enough or they also need to change the global value to -1?


  • Support Staff

December 28, 2024 at 8:42 am

That should work fine.

To test this, you need a ticket that has decimal values.

I would set up a quick test event (just another event in EE, you can set it to be privately published if preferred so only logged in users can see it) and set the ticket price to say 10.99.

Register and try to pay with PayPal Commerce, if you have the ‘Express Checkout’ buttons enabled (the PayPal pay buttons) then you’ll know if this worked if you click on one of those and its asks for your PayPal login (or shows your current PayPal account to pay)… if your getting to that point, orders are now working.

Or post a link to the event (if public) and I’ll test to confirm.

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