
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium PayPal Commerce Error

PayPal Commerce Error

Posted: February 8, 2024 at 10:04 am

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Ted Karlsalr

February 8, 2024 at 10:04 am

Hi there ,
As I was asked by Rio to open a new ticket for PayPal Commerce error, I open this ticket.
After updating to EE 5.0.17, the PayPal Commerce not working. When you click the PayPal in comes with a message about the AJAX error, and if you try to pay with credit card there is another error message.
For now, I deactivated the PayPal Commerce and activated the Square and PayPal Express.
EE 5.0.17
PayPal Business Account
Word Press 6.4.3

Thanks again for helping.


  • Support Staff

February 8, 2024 at 6:49 pm

Can i activate paypal commerce for a bit, and test it? I will deactivate it right away once we have the full error message.

or you can also do it for us, Send the screenshot of all the error message that pops out.

btw, before doing that, can you confirm if your paypal is connected to EE. There are some ajax error showing because paypal is disconnected / used in another EE site.


Ted Karlsalr

February 8, 2024 at 7:18 pm

Hi Rio,
I just sent you the login info.
The PayPal Express works.

You can activate the Paypal Commerce to test. But please deactivate it again if you cannot fix the issue. If the issue is fixed, you can deactivate the PayPal Express and leave the Paypal Commerce activated. I like the interface of the Paypal Commerce!



  • Support Staff

February 8, 2024 at 10:20 pm

Thank you, will reply on the other thread.



February 15, 2024 at 12:04 am

I created my own topic today but I believe my issue is related only it’s with stripe Ajax not submitting order . It also happens to gravity forms that I’ve had for years/ I think it might have to do with EE 5.0.17 update conflicting Ajax or pho or whatever. Happened about three years ago too when there was an Ajax issue. But for now it’s stripe payments. And it doesn’t happen every time but has happened four times : only sharing here hoping any info will help resolve these issues. Thanks


  • Support Staff

February 15, 2024 at 4:20 pm

The problem with paypal commerce that has ajax notification is mostly the account was disconnected.

we’re also grateful for sharing that ideas. Btw, you mention you have problem with stripe? can you give more details about it? please create new thread about it so we can look on it.


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