Hi there.
I’m having a problem with the paypal button on how it is display in the payment page. It appears all the way down, with Firebug I can see that are a lot of hidden input values below it wich I suppose are used by PayPal to process the payment. Any idea why it shows this way.
In other pages, for example, to remember payment it appears correctly. In any case the button works perfect.
Hello Dean.
Thanks for the quick answer.
I move the button code above the hidden fields and now is just under the h2 tittle (paymentgateway.php). So it looks better than before. Anyway I still have a big space under it, I do not know how to eliminate it.
Thanks in any case fot your help.
Hello Dean, I think I have a solution. In paymentgateway.php in about line 97, it begins the form for submit payment. It has a that takes also the form, I move it so it takes only the input type, and then create some css to displays none. It seems to work.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by manuel dominguez.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by manuel dominguez.
We lost some of your code, but I will get that section looked at, glad its sorted for you.
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