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PayPal and shopping cart label

Posted: July 5, 2013 at 7:25 pm

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Wayne York

July 5, 2013 at 7:25 pm

You are using WordPress 3.5.2.
You are using Event Espresso –
This installation has been in place for months, though updates are installed whenever WordPress notifies me that they are available.

I’ve got a couple of active events right now. Both provide attendees the option to pay online via PayPal. PayPal is the only payment processor we use. When someone pays online I expected that the title of the event would carry over into PayPal, so that when a PayPal report was run it would list the event name so our finance person could know where to transfer the funds. However, I was notified that what comes through on the PayPal end is “Shopping Cart” rather than the name of the event. I logged into the PayPal account and verified this for myself.

We will never have a person registering for multiple events during one process. All of our other PayPal transactions (done via direct link from our site to PayPal) reflect the name of the product/service in the “Order Description” field. How can I have Event Espresso do this for us too so that everything is consistent, for reporting purposes? Please advise. Thanks.


July 8, 2013 at 3:42 am

Hi Wayne,

The plugin should be passing over the event name by default even with Multiple Event Registration active.

I took a look but couldnt see a report that actually displays the product name, which report are you using?

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