Quick question about Event Espresso, if we use this option for our OurSite.com registration page and PayPall for our payment gateway, will transactions say from “Event Espresso” or OurSite.com when registering for an event? It’s important that it says from OurSite.com
Will the look of the registration page and payment page be seamless with OurSite.com website? It won’t look like we are going to a third party site??
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.
The payee will show as whichever Paypal account you use. If your Paypal account is registered with your site name, then it will show as your site name. Does that make sense?
In order for it to be a “seamless” process and to process payments ON your site, you will need to use the Paypal Pro option. Otherwise, the regular Paypal option will transfer the user to Paypal’s site for processing.
Does this help?
Let us know if you have anymore questions. We’ll be happy to answer them.
Hi Jonathan – Thank you for the quick response much appreciated. I think I know the answer to this one but here goes. My client has a Visa account, ie a Visa machine in the office and wants to make sure they are not going to get charged twice. Once for a PayPal transaction and once again by Visa. The answer is “no” right? They are only going to get charged once per transaction; 2.9% + 0.30. Thx
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