
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Payment page has no confirm or next button and really strange spacing

Payment page has no confirm or next button and really strange spacing

Posted: October 3, 2013 at 8:27 pm

Beth Reynolds

October 3, 2013 at 8:27 pm

On my http://www.bas……com/event-registration/ page I get the title: “payment overview”
Your registration is not complete until payment is received.

Then below in the “please choose payment option” section it’s blank for about 500pixels then theres the paypal button. then below that is the “offline payment options”. with a few strange grey outlined boxes. If you click any of these boxes it reveals the check payment option but there is no selection button to choose this option.

It’s confusing because people will not know that they have to scroll down in order to pay. THe payment options are “below the fold”. Also the check/money order option looks in operable.


October 4, 2013 at 1:32 am

Hi Beth,

The theme is modifying the content output. What this means is that hidden fields are being wrapped in p tags and there is likely to be additional break tags being thrown in for good measure.

There are a few resolutions (in no particular order):

1) Try wrapping the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS]shortcode in raw tags [raw][ESPRESSO_EVENTS][/raw] – this will only work if the theme supports raw tags

2) Find the code in the theme and remove/comment it out. This may affect other areas of the site reliant on this code, but it does stop the issue at the root cause.

3) Use CSS to remove the spaces. This is just a plaster on the wound, it will make it OK but still not 100%.

You could also contact the theme developer regarding it, but it’s hit or miss as to whether they will resolve it for you.

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