
Home Forums Pre-Sales [Payement] Is there any User Credit option available ?

[Payement] Is there any User Credit option available ?

Posted: September 2, 2014 at 7:23 am


September 2, 2014 at 7:23 am

Hello EE team,

Your module looks amazing ! So many different functions …

I was wondering if it could also handle a user credit payement method.

Such as every event/Class worth the same 1 credit and 1 credit = 20€ or 10 credits = 180€.
This number of credits stay linked to the user and he can use them whenever.

I’ve see quite a few question about it since 2012 on your forum but i was not able to check your answers as I didn’t bought the product YET …

Sidney Harrell

September 2, 2014 at 10:33 am

Right now there is not a credit system built for EE4, so you would need to have a new payment gateway custom coded. But it is a very interesting idea, and something we might look at building in the future. For right now, you might look at doing at doing a sort of volume discount:

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