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Past Messages redelivered every month

Posted: November 3, 2023 at 7:24 am

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November 3, 2023 at 7:24 am

This is the third straight month that, on the 3rd day of the month around 6am, our Event Registration Confirmation messages are resent to users. I have no cron job running outside the normal WP one and can’t figure out why this suddenly happened three months ago, why it goes at this exact time and how to stop it.

Can you suggest anything on this? Is there a setting to ensure mail isn’t resent? How is it checked? Where can I look?

Any help is very much appreciated.



  • Support Staff

November 3, 2023 at 9:33 am

Hi Matt,

So this ‘mass sending of emails’ we’ve had happen on a small number of clients over the years and I’ve cloned their sites and crawled through whatever I could find to try and narrow it down… but even having a backup of the database from before the ‘event’ and then after, there was never anything that would narrow down what caused it.

I’ve done that enough times on users sites to know it’s very likely of no use to do it on yours now that its already happened. So right now I can’t tell you why it happened, we’ve reviewed the code for messages multiple times trying to narrow this down and worked through various sections we thought theoretically could help, yet obviously it’s still happening for you.

But… this happening on a specific date is a new known! It’s the only occurrence I’ve heard of where it happened multiple times and on a specific date each month and from my perspective that gives us something to work on if you are willing to work with us/me on this a little more.

What I’m thinking we could do here is add a bunch of debugging/logging to the version of Event Espresso installed on your site which would log the functions called, stack traces for them and pretty much anything else we can think of logging at the time. Have that active on the 2nd through to the 3rd so that it can log whatever is happening from then (note – the version would function the same as a ‘normal’ version just with a bunch of logging in the background).

It should also be possible to essentially disable emails through wp_mail() during that time (we can’t do it within EE itself as that may stop the issue showing up) so whilst it still wont be fix and the emails will be ‘triggered’, they shouldn’t actually send.

(I’m using “shouldn’t” here as the cause of this is unknown but the emails all go through wp_mail() at the last point… so disabling is the last stop so they should not send)

So in short, I don’t have a fix but if you’re willing to work through this with me for what is hopefully one more time so we can track down what causes it I’m more than happy to make that happen.

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