
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Password reset failing

Password reset failing

Posted: January 29, 2024 at 7:00 pm

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Somatic Practice

January 29, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Hello –

Our users are lately having issues with resetting their passwords. They appear to be failing at the step of requesting a password reset. We are using the EE WordPress Users Integration and the Frontend Reset Password plugin by WP Enhanced plugin.

I have followed your advice in this forum topic:

Any advice?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

January 29, 2024 at 8:07 pm

What advice did you follow? is it the Require to Log-in before ticket can be purchase?

or Anyone can register

Can you describe what is happening in your site? they don’t receive reset password email?


Somatic Practice

January 30, 2024 at 12:24 am

Hi Rio – thanks for the reply.

WP -> Settings -> General is set to “Anyone can register”

On Events:
-Force login for registrations is set to “No”
-Auto Create users with registrations is set to “Yes”
— if they are not already in the system, their user account is created with default role “Attendee.”
– The expected behavior is that Existing users are prompted to log in – however, see below for WP integration settings

On WP integration settings
-Default for Login Required is NO
-Registration Page URL is blank – I believe this should go to the EE Login page? — Currently (on testing) I see that users are being directed to a WP login page
-Default setting for User Creation is “No”
— as I read it, this is overridden on the event setup page, so shouldn’t be a problem if the events are set up correctly. But it should be the default as far as I know. Our developer made these settings 3 years ago and I haven’t changed them.
-Default role for User Creation is set to Subscriber – this should be Attendee. We do not use the Subscriber role

I think WP integration may be where the problem is – the prompt for an existing user should occur after they select their ticket, fill in their contact details, and submit that form. On testing I was expecting to see a log-in prompt that would have the user log in and then successfully submit the registration form.

The prompt itself needs to be edited (I don’t know where to do that). The text is out of date and I note that the login button says “Register” which is confusing, and it should go to the EE Login screen not the WP login screen). I believe that users are following my instructions if they need a password reset but not getting the desired result.

Screenshot here:

On hovering over the incorrectly named “Register” button, I do see a long target URL which contains a wp-login string, but I wonder if I need to take this message private first before sharing?

So, something is askew but I may be out of my depth to get it solved. I’m not a developer, and the firm that developed the site is no longer supporting it. I am good at following directions though 🙂

All help appreciated!

Somatic Practice

January 30, 2024 at 12:34 am

PS: in case you don’t recall, you previously helped us with a roll-back to EE version 5.0.11.p to resolve an issue with an outdated custom plug-in. We are still working to resolve that issue.


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2024 at 5:44 am

Hi Kathy,

I can see you are still using the older version of the EE plugin.

Can you please update the plugins to the latest version to see if that helps?

If still facing issues can you please perform the below troubleshooting?

Somatic Practice

January 30, 2024 at 10:22 am

Hi Sam –

Yes I noted that in my PS above – we need to stay with this version due to multiple issues with a custom plug-in. Hope to get that resolved ASAP. Any advice in the meantime? Thanks

(for Kathy)


  • Support Staff

January 30, 2024 at 1:01 pm

Yes I noted that in my PS above – we need to stay with this version due to multiple issues with a custom plug-in. Hope to get that resolved ASAP.

So, I’m going to prefix this with a disclaimer that I’m sure you are aware of already but it’s important to note.

We provide support for the latest version of EE and part of the reason for that is WordPress already has millions of possible plugin/theme combinations to contend with already. If we then tried to provide support for multiple versions of EE we don’t know if conflicts have already been fixed and we are simply chasing ghosts from an older version.

If everyone had custom development work done which then forced them onto X version we would literally be stuck chasing those ghosts all day everyday for issues that may or may not even be related to EE itself. I say the above in the nicest possible way with no disrespect intended but it is the reality of providing support for a plugin like this.

The reason I’m putting all of this first is there will come a point in troubleshooting this where we can’t move forward until you are running the latest version of EE so we have a level ground to troubleshoot on and I don’t want the above to then come out of the blue. Updating may or may not fix the issue but it’s one pretty big variable when troubleshooting.

Now, having said all that as far as I am aware, we haven’t pushed an update that would affect the WP user integration so let’s start by first figuring out what is and is not expected within EE itself.

-Default for Login Required is NO

Everything above (and including this) sounds correct.

-Registration Page URL is blank – I believe this should go to the EE Login page? — Currently (on testing) I see that users are being directed to a WP login page

There is no ‘EE login page’? Leaving the setting blank will use the WP login page, that option allows you to set the URL to be a custom page but there isn’t a login page built into Event Espresso.

-Default setting for User Creation is “No”
— as I read it, this is overridden on the event setup page, so shouldn’t be a problem if the events are set up correctly. But it should be the default as far as I know. Our developer made these settings 3 years ago and I haven’t changed them.

Correct, the default settings are basically what loads when you load the ‘create a new event’ page. Once you set and save the settings they save within the event itself.

-Default role for User Creation is set to Subscriber – this should be Attendee. We do not use the Subscriber role

You can update that setting there if preferred, is Attendee listed?

I think WP integration may be where the problem is – the prompt for an existing user should occur after they select their ticket, fill in their contact details, and submit that form. On testing I was expecting to see a log-in prompt that would have the user log in and then successfully submit the registration form.

That’s how the WP user integration add-on works, what is it that you saw happen?

The prompt itself needs to be edited (I don’t know where to do that). The text is out of date and I note that the login button says “Register” which is confusing, and it should go to the EE Login screen not the WP login screen). I believe that users are following my instructions if they need a password reset but not getting the desired result.

So that text has already been edited, do you have a custom functions plugin holding multiple EE functions?

On hovering over the incorrectly named “Register” button, I do see a long target URL which contains a wp-login string, but I wonder if I need to take this message private first before sharing?

By default there’s 2 buttons, one shows register, the other login:

So looks like that’s been edited on your site already too.

I don’t need the URL, there’s nothing that needs to be private from that URL but it wont help with this.

Can you link me to an event and provide details for a test user I can try registering with the see the message? (You can add those in a private reply)

So, something is askew but I may be out of my depth to get it solved. I’m not a developer, and the firm that developed the site is no longer supporting it. I am good at following directions though 🙂

The problem with that is we also can’t provide support for someone else’s code (However, I don’t think this is related to the custom plugin).

Somatic Practice

January 30, 2024 at 9:39 pm

Thanks Tony – all disclaimers about your ability to support are noted and understood. I think I am clear on the need to eliminate the custom plug-in and find another solution for partial payments. You and I have discussed this before. I’ll follow up.

For this bit:

There is no ‘EE login page’? Leaving the setting blank will use the WP login page, that option allows you to set the URL to be a custom page but there isn’t a login page built into Event Espresso.

We do have a custom login page, which is the expected target at the point where someone tries to register who already has an account. The URL for our login page, where it appears in the main menu at least, is

Once they are logged in, they should be at with a continuing string related, I guess to their credentials

Neither of these happened when I tested the login prompt from the registration page. Instead I was sent to a WP login page, which would be weird for our users. Ideally they should stay on the registration page to complete the login step, submit that form, and proceed to the payment step. I hope that clarifies.

By default there’s 2 buttons, one shows register, the other login…
So looks like that’s been edited on your site already too.

Correct, that was edited because we had students who were creating additional logins and then not knowing which one to use for a event, defeating the purpose of having all their registrations on one account. There should be only one button, but it should say “Login.” This assumes that new users will not encounter this issue except in the impossible event that they have the same email address as someone else? If our events are set up correctly, new users (unique email addresses) have their accounts created automatically, and will only need to log in next time they register for something.

We recently needed to edit the email address provided in that onscreen login prompt. The person who did this for us may have done something that broke the function there. If you could kindly tell me how to edit that message I can have it corrected.

Let’s see if we can get that far before having you peek under the hood. If it corrects the problem, we’re all good, I think. Otherwise, I believe you already have a test login from our last conversation – I could send that again if needed.

Thank you!

Somatic Practice

January 30, 2024 at 9:52 pm

Following up for the other items, I am clear I need to set the default role on account creation as Attendee, and yes we have that role defined. And again, that’s minor because Attendee is the setting for events when they are created.

So it sounds as if we need to add the correct URL for the login prompt (very odd, it should have been there), as we have not had this problem in the 3 years till now.

I’m still not sure why any of these would affect the password reset, but they need to be corrected anyway.

do you have a custom functions plugin holding multiple EE functions?

I am not sure what you meant by that question, or how it’s related.


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2024 at 4:21 am

We do have a custom login page, which is the expected target at the point where someone tries to register who already has an account. The URL for our login page, where it appears in the main menu at least, is

Once they are logged in, they should be at with a continuing string related, I guess to their credentials

May I ask, why there are two different log in pages? You can only log in once but you seem to have multiple login pages.

Whats the different between an attendee login and a cart login?

(Note – Event Espresso doesn’t have a cart login, it checks if you are logged in or not using WordPress core functionality so does not have, or need by default, a custom cart login)

Continuing string? Do you mean the register/login URL from the checkout page? That’s not to their credentials it just links them back to the EE checkout page to continue on with the registration. So if that’s not happening that’s something I can investigate, can you create a test event and set it up as you normally would so I can run some test registrations on that without skewing your reg numbers?

Neither of these happened when I tested the login prompt from the registration page. Instead I was sent to a WP login page, which would be weird for our users. Ideally they should stay on the registration page to complete the login step, submit that form, and proceed to the payment step. I hope that clarifies.

Thats not usually how the add-on works with logging in.

There is an ajax form that can be shown in some situations, however, what will usually happen is the user will be redirected to whichever URL you have set for the custom login URL, they log in there and are then redirected back to the checkout.

We recently needed to edit the email address provided in that onscreen login prompt. The person who did this for us may have done something that broke the function there. If you could kindly tell me how to edit that message I can have it corrected.

We don’t have options to edit the wording or form itself from within Event Espresso, so it was likey done with a custom function on the site (more on this shortly) but I can’t tell you where that will be from here.

So it sounds as if we need to add the correct URL for the login prompt (very odd, it should have been there), as we have not had this problem in the 3 years till now.

I don’t know how else this could have been set up, EE will either use the default WP login URL or whatever is set in that URL.

Are you sure a URL wasn’t set in that location previously?

I’m still not sure why any of these would affect the password reset, but they need to be corrected anyway.

So far I’ve been trying to work out how your site is set up and how its using the WP user integration to do what it needs, some stuff doesn’t make sense (like the 2 log in forms) and I need to work that out before workout out what needs to be fixed.

It may have been set up a specific way to work for your use case, or it may even have been set up ‘incorrectly’ because the developer who set it up thought it needed that setup, but until I know how it works I can’t work out whats broken.

EE has almost nothing at all to do with password resets, it just links to the login. It has very little to do with the user accounts (other than checking for an account, using the current user etc) so when you say there’s a problem with password resets I don’t know what that is until I know what else is going on.

I am not sure what you meant by that question, or how it’s related.

Th changes made to EE’s output on your site will have (hopefully) been done by hooking into EE’s code and using custom functions to alter the output (that’s the ‘correct’ method to use within WordPress and therefor EE) OR the developer modified the code directly (shudder).

So if they created a plugin to hold the custom functions to alter the output, that’s where your customizations will have been made, but there multiple ways to do this so I can’t give you a straight answer without asking or taking a look.

Somatic Practice

January 31, 2024 at 10:32 am

OK that’s very helpful, thanks Tony. I have some things to attend to now, but will circle back. It looks as if the login we gave you before is still active, but I don’t have a test event for you yet. I will attend to that asap and let you know when it’s ready.


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2024 at 7:09 pm

For the log-in, we prefer if you fill the form again.

Feel free to message us if there’s anything we can do for you.


Somatic Practice

February 1, 2024 at 8:24 pm

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

February 1, 2024 at 9:55 pm

Sorry, but it seems we did not receive your credentials. Can you check if you’re able to send it?


Somatic Practice

February 2, 2024 at 4:39 pm

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

February 5, 2024 at 5:02 pm


No, you don’t need license key for stagging site.


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