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page settings list shows wrong pages

Posted: December 15, 2012 at 12:26 pm

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December 15, 2012 at 12:26 pm

I’m currently working on a dev site, and for some reason, the list of pages that comes up for the page settings on the General Settings page is the list of pages for the live site. Quite a few of those pages have been removed in the dev site overhaul and don’t appear in the list of all pages, so they shouldn’t even be listed by EE. The result is that the test credit card transactions work properly except that they return to the wrong page.

I did modify the Authorize.php file to work with eProcessing Network, but those simple changes appear to be working perfectly out of the gate. It’s the Thank You page that is weird. Did I miss something? I thought I had to specify the Thank You page only on the General Settings page.

Suggestions? Thank you so much.

Seth Shoultes

December 15, 2012 at 10:22 pm

It might be showing pages that are in the trash can. I am not sure the WP function (parent_dropdown) we are using to display the dropdown of pages has a parameter that allows us to hide the pages that are in the trash.


December 16, 2012 at 8:03 am

Thank you, Seth. I took care of the trash problem (thanks for the lesson – had never thought of that before), and the list on the General Settings page is now correct, but the wrong page is still showing up on the Thank You page. It is not the Thank You page that I see when I preview it from inside the dev site. I’ve tried changing the template for the Thank You page, but no matter what changes I make, the current theme isn’t being applied to the Thank You page. I’m using Twenty Twelve, not a customized theme. Not sure what to check. Any additional suggestions?


December 17, 2012 at 3:03 am

Hi Robin,

A few things to test:

Resave the general settings
Create a new page for the ThankYou, add the [ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS] shortcode and set that page in the general settings instead of the default one.
Check your Page trash can as well.


December 17, 2012 at 8:33 am

Thank you, Dean.
Tried your suggestions:
1. the trash was empty, so didn’t need to empty it.
2. created the new page as directed, changed the settings, saved them.

When I ran the test, the new page content came up but the wrong theme was still applied and it still looked like crap. It appears that the page (whichever page it is since the URL is the same either way) is displayed by ePN via the argument that is passed in the function call. I have checked my settings at ePN, and can’t find anywhere that I can specify the return page there, so I can’t change it in my merchant account. Somehow, the right page is being passed, but it’s being displayed without the theme.

very weird. I have no clue what to try, other than making a static page that looks like what it should, with the [ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS] shortcode in it, and use that. Your thoughts?
Thank you again-


December 17, 2012 at 1:27 pm

Trying to be open-minded about possible solutions, but really not eager to customize any more than necessary. I really believe in the KISS principle but obviously I have to find something. Realized that an external page just is dumb – the shortcodes won’t work. So, I’m throwing out this idea: what about a custom template for the page, so that it looks like it’s part of the theme but isn’t using the theme? Should be able to use the shortcode that way. Not my first choice, but I did find instructions on how to create a custom template for a page that can be used to override the theme, and figured it was worth a try. Any other ideas?


  • Support Staff

December 17, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Hi Robin,

Is there an SSL certificate installed on this domain? I’m not familiar with eProcessing, but if it’s similar to the gateway where they take the payment on their site and send you back after payment, you’ll note that the thank you page is actually being served by the payment processor (check the URL) If it cannot load up the css as https, there will not be any CSS applied to the page.

You can work around this by installing an SSL certificate for your site.


December 17, 2012 at 3:36 pm

Yes, I noticed that but didn’t know about the CSS having to load securely. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been driving me crazy all weekend! I’ll update after and let you know how it goes!
I think I am only having one more problem that I’ll post separately.

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