Posted: December 7, 2012 at 4:40 am
Hi. I am running (business) and want to know if it is possible to create an over arching event (course) which then has some consecutive days (start and end date) e.g. 2 days then a break and a further date? Some courses require some study before the final part is done. I guess the other would be somehow link two separate events? I have tried using recurring events but cant seem to make this logic happen. Any ideas? |
Hi Nick, Two ways to do this (examples use Tue, Wed and Fri so only one “gap” day) 1) Each day is separate. In a new event, set the registration period as the whole semester with the first event date start and end date the same (first day). in the Recurring event manager make sure “Are all events available between the registration dates above?” is set to yes. The events will repeat Weekly, every 1 Week. Then select the appropriate days (eg Tue, Wed Fri). This will create an event on each of those days every week until the registration end period. 2) One event, starts on Tue ends Fri, event description tells students that the Thur is a study day. This is the same as above, but the start and end date for the events will be different (start Tue and end Fri) and the repeats on Day will be the single start day, so in this example Tues. I hope that makes sense and is useful, let me know if you have any more questions/thoughts. |
Thanks will test. We also run courses that paid for up front before the programme starts but need to track attendance at all events. I can create a recurring event with the first one being the paid item and set the rest to free. I then presume I have to use add to cart to get the customer to get all the events in the series and allow us to track attendance? In a perfect world there could be an over arching event with the weekly events within. I am worried that users will not easily know to select all the events for a programme (over 6 weeks for example). Any thoughts? |
Hi Nick, You could edit the recurring events Alternate Registration Page (optional) option to set it to just one (eg the first) event. This will mean no matter which event they select they will only sign up for one event, which means you can monitor which users have signed up via one event only and they will only add one item to cart as the others arent available to add to cart. |
Thanks Dean. Just to be clear… Scenario: One programme, cost £100 up front for six weeks – so one event each of the six weeks to be tracked. Any ideas? |
Hi Nick, I assume you are going to track attendance via the Ticketing addon? If so, then yes you would need to have 6 individual events that the attendee is signed up to. I know that the devs are contemplating adding in a “parent” event system for 3.2, but it is yet to be confirmed. Currently I don’t believe there is a way to lump all the events into one registration AND get the ticket tracking ability. It’s one or the other. |
Thanks Dean. Ideally yes, your parent event would be perfect. I guess we have to cart six events (one paid, five free) or go with one event to cover the period of six weeks and keep manual records. Thanks for help. Parent would be a big winner / donation from us! Rob |
No problem Nick, i’ll make sure your +1 is added to the list |
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