
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Order Process: Tax and Invoicing Problems

Order Process: Tax and Invoicing Problems

Posted: November 11, 2012 at 3:25 pm

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November 11, 2012 at 3:25 pm

Hi there.

I already checked this forum and have seen that issues with the order process concerning taxes and the proper output of invoices might be fixed no earlier than v3.2. So the first question is: when will 3.2 be available? ๐Ÿ™‚

As german law requires taxes being mentioned in the whole order process, I tried to set up a surcharge of 19% to the ticket price (German VAT). There are some problems to be fixed:

a) Output of the tax amount in the order process (Ticket EUR 580 plus 19% VAT (EUR 110,20), Total EUR 690,20)

b) Output of the taxes mentioned above in E-Mails

c) Output on an invoice (Subtotal EUR xxx, 19% VAT EUR xxx, Total Amount EUR xxx)

d) Display in the backend (EUR 580 + 19% surcharge is displayed as EIR 599. ๐Ÿ™‚ )

I read about a solution another user already developed that could be sent by mail. May I kindly ask you support guys to do so? Thanks!

Can somebody help me resolving this issue? Thanks in advance!

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 19, 2012 at 10:46 am

Hey Andreas —

So the first question is: when will 3.2 be available?

Not soon enough, so, not relevant to this discussion.

Most of what you are asking for is possible with the Surcharge functionality. The only place where this feature falls flat is with the invoice — the surcharge just isn’t used there. We had a modified template.php for the invoice payment option that was modified by a user to account for VAT. However, after working with it the other week, I found that, due to recent changes in the payment and gateway systems, this (modified) template needs some (more) work before it is fully functional. If you’d like a copy of what we have (which may still need some tweaking) send an email to support at this domain dot com.

I will also say that, in the backend, the amount + the surcharge is not displayed until you go into the payment details or go to the Edit Event screen.

Does that answer your questions?

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