
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on ONly one price showing on Events page.. .there should be 2

ONly one price showing on Events page.. .there should be 2

Posted: September 2, 2014 at 12:06 pm

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Wendie Donabie

September 2, 2014 at 12:06 pm

Everything is working great with the program except the two prices for events are not showing on the EVENTS page…. Can you tell me how to fix this?


Wendie Donabie

September 2, 2014 at 2:03 pm

Sorry. the web address was incomplete… it should read

Sidney Harrell

September 2, 2014 at 3:00 pm

you will need to make some slight modifications to the event list display template. We’d be happy to walk you through it. First thing you want to do is copy event_list.php and event_list_display.php from plugins/event-espresso/templates over to uploads/espresso/templates.

Wendie Donabie

September 2, 2014 at 5:52 pm

I received an answer from Sidney Harrell but know where to find and copy the item mentioned or the plug-ins. This is all foreign to me and I’m trying to muddle through with little or no knowledge. How can you walk me through doing this?

Wendie Donabie

September 2, 2014 at 5:53 pm

I mean DON”T know where . . .

Wendie Donabie

September 2, 2014 at 6:18 pm

I’ve asked a friend who is a web designer using Worpress to help out but haven’t heard from her yet….

Where do I find the plugins/event-espresso/templates?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

September 2, 2014 at 8:51 pm


That would be within the Event Espresso plugins folder.

You’ll need to login to your WordPress root with an SFTP or FTP client (Cyberduck and FileZilla are free options). Then browse to this location:


Download a copy of the event_list.php and event_list_display.php files.

Then browse to this location:


Then upload those two files there.

Let us know once that has been done as this step will ensure that customizations aren’t lost on a software update.


Wendie Donabie

September 3, 2014 at 1:45 pm

Hi Lorenzo,

I’m Wendie’s friend who is helping with her site. I’ve finished this step. Could you send me the rest of the instructions?

Thank you for your help!


  • Support Staff

September 3, 2014 at 5:08 pm

Hi there,

The code you’ll add to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/custom_functions.php and /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/event_list_display.php, respectively, is in this gist:

Please note: The upcoming release of Event Espresso 3.1.37.p will include this as a new feature.

Wendie Donabie

September 4, 2014 at 10:34 am

Hi there,

I’ve added the code from above. Just to be clear, there wasn’t a custom_functions.php file in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/ so I created one and added the supplied code. Was that correct? When I tried to add the supplied code in the theme files rather than the Espresso uploads, the site broke so that wasn’t an option.

The problem now is that the multiple prices are now appearing in a bulleted list, but the single price from before is still there below the list. This is not ideal and is confusing for users. Please visit to see what I mean. If the bulleted list is the intended way to display multiple prices, we would like that to be the only location of price info listed on the Event.

Also, even once this solution is working, people still will not be able to select their chosen price on the Event List page, but will have to add the event and choose their price later in the Cart page. Is that correct? This is not entirely what we were looking for.

Ideally, people would be able to select their chosen price on the Event List page and add only their chosen price to the cart. Then when they visit the Cart page, it’s just a summary of what they’ve selected. Is this possible?


  • Support Staff

September 4, 2014 at 1:04 pm

Hi there,

I’ll follow up with each of your questions below:

I’ve added the code from above. Just to be clear, there wasn’t a custom_functions.php file in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/ so I created one and added the supplied code. Was that correct?


The problem now is that the multiple prices are now appearing in a bulleted list, but the single price from before is still there below the list. This is not ideal and is confusing for users.

You can remove the original code that displays the single price from the event_list_display.php template. Adding the do_action hook to display the price list adds the price list, and it does not remove the single price. The current version of EE 3 has the price code starting on line 77 and ending on line 83 of the event_list_display.php template you edited.

Also, even once this solution is working, people still will not be able to select their chosen price on the Event List page, but will have to add the event and choose their price later in the Cart page. Is that correct? This is not entirely what we were looking for.

Ideally, people would be able to select their chosen price on the Event List page and add only their chosen price to the cart. Then when they visit the Cart page, it’s just a summary of what they’ve selected. Is this possible?

It’s not entirely as you describe, but Event Espresso 4 would be a closer match because it allows for a ticket selector to display on the event list page. You can set up an example event if you’d like to try EE4 out by signing up here:

While Event Espresso 3 does not match the functionality you describe, the closest thing that Event Espresso 3 has that matches a cart checkout is the Multi Event Registration add-on, which adds an Add to Cart button to the event list page. After clicking through to add an event to the cart, they can view the price options on the cart.

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