
Home Forums Pre-Sales One day Multi-Track Conference with each track/session having a capacity cutoff

One day Multi-Track Conference with each track/session having a capacity cutoff

Posted: December 27, 2012 at 8:10 am

Wes Cutajar

December 27, 2012 at 8:10 am

Hello, I’m looking at purchasing EE.
One of my events is a one day conference which will have multiple tracks – each of the 6 timeslots having about 8 different tracks to choose from. In these 8 tracks(rooms) I would like a cutoff for each room – which I believe isn’t possible.

  • Currently I believe I can only do a whole event capacity – not the tracks if using ‘questions’ to sort sessions then having to manually check the xls file to see how many are in each session (then remove the answer from the question as to not allow further rego).
  • And if I use Multi-event registration – there would be the possibility that the attendee doesn’t fill out / get confessed about adding 6 different sessions (from 48 sessions) to their cart.

Is EE for me? ๐Ÿ™‚

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

December 27, 2012 at 3:21 pm

This is how I would handle your event.

Use s2member or some other membership management plugin. Sell tickets as memberships, so, when you buy a ticket for the event, you’re actually going through the s2member (or whatever) purchase process to purchase membership access.

Use Event Espresso and WP User Integration. Set all events to be member-only. This makes it so the only way to register for the event is to be a user, and you’ve already purchased access to the site as a user via the s2member process.

Each track is a separate (member-only) event. For each event, you can set a specific limit on the number of attendees. Registration price is free (unless you want to charge an additional fee to attend each track) since they’ve already purchased their “ticket” by registering for the site.

In this way, the site is the conference, and each track is an event.

You’d probably want to use Event Categories to split your events/tracks up into different time slots, then you could display all the events in x timeslot on a single page, and have separate pages for each.

If you were using Multi Event Registration, then people would be able to register for multiple tracks in the same registration process by adding events (tracks) to their cart.

The only potential issues with this process are:

  • there’s no way to make it so people can’t register for two different events in the same timeslot. But this is already the case in Event Espresso, using this process doesn’t affect that one way or the other.
  • If you needed the ticketing capacity of Event Espresso, you wouldn’t have a single, general ticket for the entire conference, because the tickets are event-based and the events are the tracks. On the other hand, if you wanted to check people in at the door for each session, you would be able to do that.

Wes Cutajar

December 28, 2012 at 8:51 am

HI chris – thank you so much for your detailed response (and over the holiday period too)
my client doesn’t want any log ins but from the last half of the solution really clicked with me about how I can use EE. thanks again for the support – looks like EE is the solution! ๐Ÿ™‚

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

January 1, 2013 at 1:13 pm

No problem, Wes. Excited to see how you use Event Espresso!

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