
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium "On Sale" date showing trashed ticket dates not actual ticket

"On Sale" date showing trashed ticket dates not actual ticket

Posted: December 7, 2023 at 12:05 am

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December 7, 2023 at 12:05 am

I have several events showing the on sale date from a trashed ticket instead of the updated/live ticket.

Is this a bug?

Also this interface is more convoluted and requires more clicks than before. Very sad about this update to the interface. You have to dig into the actual ticket to set parameters. Was much better when it was a field you could fill in on the same screen as all the other specs for the event.

Is there anyway to get the old interface back?

Here are screenshots of the sale dates reflecting a trashed ticket:


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2023 at 6:21 am

Hi there,

The ticket in your screenshot isn’t a trashed ticket, it’s an expired ticket (meaning the sell-until date has passed).#

That’s currently expected as the column shows when the event went on sale, it’s the earliest non-trashed ticket being displayed.

If you trash the ticket EE will show the date for the other ticket.

Click on the stacked icon on the left and then trash ticket.

Also this interface is more convoluted and requires more clicks than before. Very sad about this update to the interface. You have to dig into the actual ticket to set parameters. Was much better when it was a field you could fill in on the same screen as all the other specs for the event.

Which parameters?

The title, description, price, sell from, sell until, and qty fields can all be edited from the ‘cards’:

(Edit – Qty can be done the same way but I missed it in the video)

From the ‘old’ editor:

You can edit the Tkt Title, sell from, sell until, price and Qty fields.

(Similar situation for the datetimes, some settings need to be edited in a modal but common options are directly within the card)


The ticket/datetime assignments in the new editor are done in done within the Ticket assignment manager (TAM for short):

The ticket/datetime assignments, in the legacy editor was done under the advanced settings:

For both of those you needed to click to open the advanced section/TAM to then assigned the datetimes, other than to then submit the selection which then automatically updates the ticket without updating the event, there is no additional clicks there.

The ticket price calculator (which we don’t have within the legacy editor) is for when you need more control over the pricing than simply setting a total price. So that’s another section. Lets add taxes to that tickets price section:

The new editor is a much more modern approach, it does things very differently in the background to allow for scaling of ticktets/datetimes when using something like the Recurring Events Manager.

The legacy editor quicky run into server limitations with the older setup, every option was an input on the page and sever’s set a max_input_vars limit of 1000 by default which then meant tickets/datetimes could (and did) just disappear as you added them to the event and then saved as you’d hit the severs limit so it ignored them. In short, the new editor isn’t just a face lift, there’s a lot of stuff going on under the hood to improve how ticket/datetime management works long term.

However, yes, some options, which will not be charged as much as the above would be are set within an additional model to select. Like setting the Number of uses, max/min qty, visibility etc. But the additional modal including all of those (and others) isn’t something you would need to use every time you edit the ticket/datetime.

Is there anyway to get the old interface back?

I don’t recommend doing this as all of our developments moving forward will be made on the new editor


December 7, 2023 at 12:24 pm

trashing the expired ticket is NOT working.

the new interface requires more clicks and saves and you can’t see all the info that you set at a glance.

An improved interface would have all necessary fields on one page, at a glance, where you could click into the field you need to edit and set it without entering into some specific content block like the vent, event, or ticket, etc..


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2023 at 2:02 pm

trashing the expired ticket is NOT working.

Ok, so what happens, any errors?

the new interface requires more clicks and saves and you can’t see all the info that you set at a glance.

Again, such as?

An improved interface would have all necessary fields on one page, at a glance, where you could click into the field you need to edit and set it without entering into some specific content block like the vent, event, or ticket, etc..

I understand you don’t like the new interface, but in my option, what you are describing is what I consider the new interface.

The details you edit the most are on the page at a glance and editable in the same way they were before, the others which need more real estate are shown in modals. The advanced editor has all of the same fields the legacy editor did as editable directly on the datetime/ticket itself.

If you want to switch back t the old editor we have an option to do to in:

Event Espresso -> Events -> Default Settings -> Activate Advanced Editor?

Set that option to Legacy editor.

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