
Home Forums Pre-Sales Official tax receipts, annual support and ticket question

Official tax receipts, annual support and ticket question

Posted: December 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm


December 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm

I have 3 pre-sale questions before purchasing the product:
1. Is there an option to provide official tax receipts for purchasers that require it? Our client in Canada is a registered charity.
2. What is the cost of annual support for EE4 business license renewal when renewed before 12 months?
3. In testing the demo; I purchased 2 test tickets but received only one ticket. Is this due to a demo limitation?
Thanks in advance.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 12, 2014 at 11:41 am

Hi, here is feedback on your questions:

1. Is there an option to provide official tax receipts for purchasers that require it? Our client in Canada is a registered charity.

A PDF invoice of a registration purchase can be generated through the WP dashboard. This can then be presented to registrants/attendees.

2. What is the cost of annual support for EE4 business license renewal when renewed before 12 months?

We do not currently have a business license for Event Espresso 4. You may be referring to Event Espresso 3. In that case, the loyalty discount is 35% off the current pricing.

3. In testing the demo; I purchased 2 test tickets but received only one ticket. Is this due to a demo limitation?

What is the event that you registered for?


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