I apologize if this is a redundant question as I know you are busy with the new release. Hopefully this screen shot will clarify the problem.
We want to send emails to attendees with the NUMBER of TICKETS they requested for a free event. Your email manager is perfect for this.
The ticket count is in the screen shot which is fixed in your system
We have tried your suggestion of [TICKET_LINK] and [TICKET_QTY] but nothing works. In the Screencast example, we would like to see “10” in a tag.
Could not find it in the documentation.
Thanks Jonathan for answering.
EE has a question with a drop down number list called “Number of Tickets” on the registration form. Is that question under my control some place? (no code changes), i.e. can I opt out of that question?
Elsewhere on the Support Forum the [ticket_qty] tag is discussed (by Josh?). What is that tag used for?
The [ticket_qty] shortcode is for use on the ticket template when “Allow group registrations” option is set to Yes and the Additional Attendee Registration info option is set to no info required. When someone purchases a group ticket, the number of scans the ticket is good for will be displayed on the ticket when the [ticket_qty] shortcode is in the template.
Thanks. We created a workaround for now using a special question (which has an email tag we can insert in emails)
Would be very good idea to have Number of Tickets available as tag and included in the Event report. Seems like a valuable metric to track and have up front for general use. Just a suggestion
Keep up the good work!
Thank Lawrence. I am going to add this to our feature request list.
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