
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Number of attendees in the event admin view

Number of attendees in the event admin view

Posted: December 15, 2012 at 9:25 am

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December 15, 2012 at 9:25 am

Sometimes people register for more than one person but this is not displayed in the admin attendee overview page. I would normally have to click into the particular attendee for more info to see this.

Is there any way I can view the number of attendees per registered person directly from the attendee overview?


December 17, 2012 at 2:55 am

Hello Samantha,

No that isnt available unless you select the attendee in question and see how many tickets they have purchased.

You could also request details of each attendee and they will appear as individual attendees.

Currently the only way to do it would be to hire a developer to customize the plugin, though we don’t recommend that as you will be editing core files.

In 3.2 we are changing how the attendees, tickets and prices work, I will add a feature request for that version, though I cannot guarantee it will be included.

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