
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Nothing in Event Queue (3)

Nothing in Event Queue (3)

Posted: December 4, 2015 at 1:12 pm

Viewing 23 reply threads


December 4, 2015 at 1:12 pm


Would you please provide us with a solution to the issue we’re having below, today?

We are continuing to get the “nothing in your event queue” error when trying to sign up for events.

Here are the details on troubleshooting so far:
Confirmed that required pages are setup correctly in plugin options
Deactivated all event espresso add on plugins
Cleared browser cache
Tried in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox
Tried adding exceptions for critical pages to wp super cache
Completely uninstalled wp super cache
Confirmed that there is no other page caching mechanism setup on hosting server(varnish, etc)
We’re at a crucial stage before launch and we can’t get your plugin working.

Thank you for your timely response.

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by orba.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2015 at 1:18 pm

Hi there,

We can help with this today. Can you post a link to the event page in question?


December 4, 2015 at 1:32 pm

Sure: If you go to any event here, and register is says “Nothing In Events Queue” rather than processing the registration.

** redacted **

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Josh. Reason: please do not post admin credentials for a live site in a public forum


December 4, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Can you convert this post to private if it’s not please. I have the creds in there.


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2015 at 1:37 pm

All we need is a link, credentials should never be posted to a public forum.


December 4, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Sorry about that. I am messaging on behalf of a collegue. Thought this was a private msg. Thanks for that 🙂


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2015 at 1:49 pm

Do you happen to know how they set up the JavaScript files to get output to the page, and commented out?


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2015 at 2:21 pm

I can advise ruling out a plugin and theme conflict. You can rule these out one by one:
1) A theme conflict. You can rule this out by temporarily switching to the default WordPress theme.
2) A plugin conflict. You can rule this out by temporarily deactivating all other installed WordPress plugins.
It may also help to turn on debug mode. You can set wp_debug to true by editing the wp-config.php file.
You can use an [FTP client][1] and [a text editor][2] to access change this line to the site’s wp-config.php file:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);


December 7, 2015 at 1:31 pm


I have discovered that the error only occurs when this plugin is active:

Indeed Ultimate Membership Pro

I have spent some time debugging your plugin to try and narrow down where the issue is occurring.

I can confirm that when processing an event ticket request the method ‘process_ticket_selections’ in EDD_Ticket_selector.module.php results in the $success var == TRUE and the method initiates a safe redirect to the checkout page on line 598.

Not sure why all the checks are not catching the issue as the checkout page itself is obviously under the impression that the cart is empty even though the ‘process_ticket_selections’ method has validated the cart as NOT empty.

Also please note there are no php or JS errors on the page or in console.

Please advise on what conflicts you have had in the past which may cause this behaviour.



  • Support Staff

December 7, 2015 at 2:22 pm

I’d advise looking in Paid Membership Pro to see how/where it’s conflicting.


December 7, 2015 at 2:55 pm


I was hoping for a more expansive answer, which is why I spent some time debugging your plugin and providing some technical detail as to where in the order process there is an error occurring.

Would it be possible to provide some technical detail into how your plugin stores the order data (which class/method initiates the storage process, i’m assuming you use php sessions to store data?).

If we start at the method i provided in the previous post and call that Y, what process takes place between Y and the cart page X.

Any ideas on what could happen outside of your plugin which would cause the checkout page to return that there the cart is empty. When the previous action which i outlined in detail in the other post is reporting that the cart is not empty and somewhere between submitting the event sign up form and redirecting to the cart page the cart is now empty?

Have you had any issues with conflicts in the past? Can you provide any history or technical detail which would help me in debugging this.

Obviously i’d be happy to post any solutions or issues I may find if that would help to prevent others having this issue in the future.



  • Support Staff

December 7, 2015 at 5:06 pm

No, we do not use PHP sessions to store the cart data. When you select a ticket, a the Session ID is used as a key, but the data is temporarily stored in WP transients, which are in the options table. So you could look to see if Paid Memberships Pro is erasing transients or modifying the way that WP stores transients in any way.

When you look in the wp_options table, you should be able to see some options that have a name that starts with _transient_ee_ssn_, and with each one of those there’s an option that starts with _transient_timeout_ee_ssn_. The latter has a timestamp to allow the transients to get removed after they are set to expire.


December 8, 2015 at 3:18 pm


I have disabled the membership pro plugin and i am able to get to the /registration-checkout/ page without issue.

I was hoping to then review the transients mentioned in your previous post but once i get to the /registration-checkout/ page and perform the following mysql query there are no results:

SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘_transient_ee_ssn_’

SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘_transient_timeout_ee_ssn_’

Could you possible tell me which method or function is responsible for creating the transients and saving the event data once a user submits the event signup form. I’m having issues tracking down the section of code which actually creates the transients.



  • Support Staff

December 8, 2015 at 3:23 pm

That all happens in /core/EE_Session.core.php


December 9, 2015 at 8:54 am


So here’s the output from EE_Session->set_checkout() with and without the Membership plugin enabled. I have never come across a conflict that would prevent the creation of a transient in WordPress, bear in mind that there are no php or server log errors.

Can you take a look at the objects below, there are differences between them but I have no idea of the significance.

I also have to assume that as you have not mentioned it, you have not experienced other users with a similar issue of not being able to add events to the cart with another plugin enabled. If you have PLEASE let me know the details as your plugin is way too large for me to reverse engineer and debug without assistance.

wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php (line 284)

EE_Checkout Object
[admin_request] =>
[revisit] =>
[primary_revisit] =>
[continue_reg] => 1
[redirect] =>
[generate_reg_form] => 1
[process_form_submission] =>
[txn_status_updated] =>
[exit_spco:protected] =>
[reg_status_updated:protected] => Array
[73] =>
[74] =>
[75] =>
[76] =>
[77] =>
[78] =>

[total_ticket_count] => 6
[amount_owing] => 0
[step] => attendee_information
[edit_step] =>
[action] => display_spco_reg_step
[reg_url_link] =>
[selected_method_of_payment] =>
[reg_page_base_url] =>
[cancel_page_url] =>
[thank_you_page_url] =>
[redirect_url] =>
[redirect_form] =>
[reg_cache_where_params] => Array
[order_by] => Array
[REG_count] => ASC


[json_response] => EE_SPCO_JSON_Response Object
[_errors:protected] =>
[_unexpected_errors:protected] =>
[_attention:protected] =>
[_success:protected] =>
[_plz_select_method_of_payment:protected] =>
[_redirect_url:protected] =>
[_registration_time_limit:protected] =>
[_redirect_form:protected] =>
[_reg_step_html:protected] =>
[_method_of_payment:protected] =>
[_payment_amount:protected] =>
[_return_data:protected] => Array

[_validation_rules:protected] => Array


[next_step] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Payment_Options Object
[line_item_display:protected] =>
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 30
[_slug:protected] => payment_options
[_name:protected] => Payment Options
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please select a method of payment and provide any necessary billing information before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[current_step] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information Object
[_print_copy_info:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] =>
[_attendee_data:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_required_questions:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] => 1
[_order:protected] => 10
[_slug:protected] => attendee_information
[_name:protected] => Attendee Information
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please answer the following registration questions before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[cart] => EE_Cart Object
[_grand_total:EE_Cart:private] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[pre-tax-subtotal] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[event-0] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[514dca1eda61425731c4fa3e3c530be5] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[bb5a7b1772077f7d47943687989642fa] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array

[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_name] => Group Bundle
[LIN_desc] => Buy 5-10 tickets to receive a 10% discount.
[LIN_quantity] => 6
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => 2700
[LIN_type] => sub-item
[OBJ_ID] => 10
[OBJ_type] => Price

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[OBJ_type] => Array
[standard] => Price

[OBJ_ID] => Array
[standard] => 10

[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => bb5a7b1772077f7d47943687989642fa

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-item

[LIN_unit_price] => Array
[standard] => 450

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_quantity] => Array
[standard] => 6

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 469


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 469
[LIN_code] => bb5a7b1772077f7d47943687989642fa
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] => Group Bundle
[LIN_desc] => Buy 5-10 tickets to receive a 10% discount.
[LIN_unit_price] => 450
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 2700
[LIN_quantity] => 6
[LIN_parent] => 468
[LIN_type] => sub-item
[OBJ_ID] => 10
[OBJ_type] => Price
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1

[7ef6cfd578b209b8b5e11ff713baf80c] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array

[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_name] =>
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_quantity] =>
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 2
[LIN_total] => -270
[LIN_type] => sub-item
[OBJ_ID] => 11
[OBJ_type] => Price

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[OBJ_type] => Array
[standard] => Price

[OBJ_ID] => Array
[standard] => 11

[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => 7ef6cfd578b209b8b5e11ff713baf80c

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-item

[LIN_unit_price] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => -10

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 470


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 470
[LIN_code] => 7ef6cfd578b209b8b5e11ff713baf80c
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] =>
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => -10
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => -270
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 468
[LIN_type] => sub-item
[OBJ_ID] => 11
[OBJ_type] => Price
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_name] => Group Bundle
[LIN_desc] => Buy 5-10 tickets to receive a 10% discount. (For ORBA Christmas Party)
[LIN_unit_price] => 405
[LIN_quantity] => 6
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 2430
[LIN_type] => line-item
[OBJ_ID] => 8
[OBJ_type] => Ticket

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[OBJ_type] => Array
[standard] => Ticket

[OBJ_ID] => Array
[standard] => 8

[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => 514dca1eda61425731c4fa3e3c530be5

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => line-item

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_quantity] => Array
[standard] => 6

[LIN_is_taxable] => Array
[standard] =>

[LIN_total] => Array
[standard] => 2430

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 468


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 468
[LIN_code] => 514dca1eda61425731c4fa3e3c530be5
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] => Group Bundle
[LIN_desc] => Buy 5-10 tickets to receive a 10% discount. (For ORBA Christmas Party)
[LIN_unit_price] => 405
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 2430
[LIN_quantity] => 6
[LIN_parent] => 467
[LIN_type] => line-item
[OBJ_ID] => 8
[OBJ_type] => Ticket
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => event-0
[LIN_name] => Event
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_type] => Event
[OBJ_ID] => 0

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-total

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[OBJ_type] => Array
[standard] => Event

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 467


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 467
[LIN_code] => event-6451
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] => ORBA Christmas Party
[LIN_desc] => Join us for the Ontario Road Builders Association Christmas party! We’ll be serving holiday themed cocktails and treats for our valued members. This year the festivities will be held at the Thompson Hotel, on December 15th from 7-11pm. Tickets are limited, so make sure you grab a couple as early gifts! Group pricing is available…
[LIN_unit_price] => 2430
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 2430
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 466
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_ID] => 6451
[OBJ_type] => Event
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => pre-tax-subtotal
[LIN_name] => Pre-Tax Subtotal
[LIN_type] => sub-total

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => pre-tax-subtotal

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-total

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[OBJ_type] => Array
[standard] =>

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 466


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 466
[LIN_code] => pre-tax-subtotal
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] => Pre-Tax Subtotal
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 2430
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 2430
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 465
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] =>
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1

[taxes] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array

[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => taxes
[LIN_name] => Taxes
[LIN_type] => tax-sub-total
[LIN_order] => 1000

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => taxes

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => tax-sub-total

[LIN_total] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 471


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 471
[LIN_code] => taxes
[TXN_ID] => 0
[LIN_name] => Taxes
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => 0
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 465
[LIN_type] => tax-sub-total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] =>
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] =>
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => total
[LIN_name] => Grand Total
[LIN_type] => total
[OBJ_type] => Transaction

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => total

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => total

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 465

[LIN_total] => Array
[standard] => 2430


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 465
[LIN_code] => total
[TXN_ID] => 51
[LIN_name] => Grand Total
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 2430
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => 2430
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] =>
[LIN_type] => total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] => Transaction
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:27.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[transaction] => EE_Transaction Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[TXN_timestamp] => 1449675808
[TXN_reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] =>
[payment_options] =>
[finalize_registration] =>

[TXN_total] => 2430
[TXN_paid] => 0

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[TXN_timestamp] => Array
[standard] => December 9, 2015 3:43 pm

[TXN_total] => Array
[standard] => 2430


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Registration] =>
[Payment] => Array

[Status] =>
[Line_Item] => Array

[Payment_Method] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion_Object] => Array


[_fields:protected] => Array
[TXN_ID] => 51
[TXN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:43:28.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Africa/Abidjan

[TXN_total] => 2430
[TXN_paid] => 0
[TXN_session_data] =>
[TXN_hash_salt] =>
[PMD_ID] =>
[TXN_reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] =>
[payment_options] =>
[finalize_registration] =>


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1

[primary_attendee_obj] =>
[payment_method] =>
[payment] =>
[billing_form] =>
[registration_form] =>
[reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information Object
[_print_copy_info:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] =>
[_attendee_data:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_required_questions:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] => 1
[_order:protected] => 10
[_slug:protected] => attendee_information
[_name:protected] => Attendee Information
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please answer the following registration questions before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[payment_options] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Payment_Options Object
[line_item_display:protected] =>
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 30
[_slug:protected] => payment_options
[_name:protected] => Payment Options
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please select a method of payment and provide any necessary billing information before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[finalize_registration] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Finalize_Registration Object
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 999
[_slug:protected] => finalize_registration
[_name:protected] => Finalize Registration
[_submit_button_text:protected] => Finalize Registration
[_template:protected] =>
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] =>
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object


[available_payment_methods] => Array


wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/EE_Session.core.php (line 284)

EE_Checkout Object
[admin_request] =>
[revisit] =>
[primary_revisit] =>
[continue_reg] => 1
[redirect] =>
[generate_reg_form] => 1
[process_form_submission] =>
[txn_status_updated] =>
[exit_spco:protected] =>
[reg_status_updated:protected] => Array

[total_ticket_count] => 0
[amount_owing] => 0
[step] => attendee_information
[edit_step] =>
[action] => display_spco_reg_step
[reg_url_link] =>
[selected_method_of_payment] =>
[reg_page_base_url] =>
[cancel_page_url] =>
[thank_you_page_url] =>
[redirect_url] =>
[redirect_form] =>
[reg_cache_where_params] => Array
[order_by] => Array
[REG_count] => ASC


[json_response] => EE_SPCO_JSON_Response Object
[_errors:protected] =>
[_unexpected_errors:protected] =>
[_attention:protected] =>
[_success:protected] =>
[_plz_select_method_of_payment:protected] =>
[_redirect_url:protected] =>
[_registration_time_limit:protected] =>
[_redirect_form:protected] =>
[_reg_step_html:protected] =>
[_method_of_payment:protected] =>
[_payment_amount:protected] =>
[_return_data:protected] => Array

[_validation_rules:protected] => Array


[next_step] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Payment_Options Object
[line_item_display:protected] =>
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 30
[_slug:protected] => payment_options
[_name:protected] => Payment Options
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please select a method of payment and provide any necessary billing information before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[current_step] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information Object
[_print_copy_info:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] =>
[_attendee_data:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_required_questions:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] => 1
[_order:protected] => 10
[_slug:protected] => attendee_information
[_name:protected] => Attendee Information
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please answer the following registration questions before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[cart] => EE_Cart Object
[_grand_total:EE_Cart:private] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[pre-tax-subtotal] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array
[event-0] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array

[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => event-0
[LIN_name] => Event
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_type] => Event
[OBJ_ID] => 0

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 495

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-total


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 495
[LIN_code] => event-0
[TXN_ID] => 54
[LIN_name] => Event
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 0
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 494
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_ID] => 0
[OBJ_type] => Event
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:47:17.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Africa/Abidjan


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => pre-tax-subtotal
[LIN_name] => Pre-Tax Subtotal
[LIN_type] => sub-total

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 494

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => sub-total


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 494
[LIN_code] => pre-tax-subtotal
[TXN_ID] => 54
[LIN_name] => Pre-Tax Subtotal
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 0
[LIN_total] => 0
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 493
[LIN_type] => sub-total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] =>
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:47:17.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Africa/Abidjan


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1

[taxes] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_children:protected] => Array

[_parent:protected] => EE_Line_Item Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => taxes
[LIN_name] => Taxes
[LIN_type] => tax-sub-total
[LIN_order] => 1000

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 496

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => tax-sub-total


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 496
[LIN_code] => taxes
[TXN_ID] => 54
[LIN_name] => Taxes
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => 0
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] => 493
[LIN_type] => tax-sub-total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] =>
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:47:17.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Africa/Abidjan


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[_parent:protected] =>
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => total
[LIN_name] => Grand Total
[LIN_type] => total
[OBJ_type] => Transaction

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[LIN_code] => Array
[standard] => total

[LIN_type] => Array
[standard] => total

[LIN_percent] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_total] => Array
[standard] => 0

[LIN_ID] => Array
[standard] => 493


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Transaction] =>
[Ticket] =>
[Price] =>
[Event] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion] =>

[_fields:protected] => Array
[LIN_ID] => 493
[LIN_code] => total
[TXN_ID] => 54
[LIN_name] => Grand Total
[LIN_desc] =>
[LIN_unit_price] => 0
[LIN_percent] => 0
[LIN_is_taxable] =>
[LIN_order] => 1
[LIN_total] => 0
[LIN_quantity] => 1
[LIN_parent] =>
[LIN_type] => total
[OBJ_ID] =>
[OBJ_type] => Transaction
[LIN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:47:17.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1


[transaction] => EE_Transaction Object
[_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
[TXN_timestamp] => 1449676037
[TXN_reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] =>
[payment_options] =>
[finalize_registration] =>

[TXN_total] => 0
[TXN_paid] => 0

[_timezone:protected] => Africa/Abidjan
[_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
[_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
[_cached_properties:protected] => Array
[TXN_total] => Array
[standard] => 0


[_model_relations:protected] => Array
[Registration] => Array

[Payment] => Array

[Status] =>
[Line_Item] => Array

[Payment_Method] =>
[Extra_Meta] => Array

[Change_Log] => Array

[Promotion_Object] => Array


[_fields:protected] => Array
[TXN_ID] => 54
[TXN_timestamp] => DateTime Object
[date] => 2015-12-09 15:47:17.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC

[TXN_total] => 0
[TXN_paid] => 0
[TXN_session_data] =>
[TXN_hash_salt] =>
[PMD_ID] =>
[TXN_reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] =>
[payment_options] =>
[finalize_registration] =>


[_allow_persist:protected] => 1

[primary_attendee_obj] =>
[payment_method] =>
[payment] =>
[billing_form] =>
[registration_form] =>
[reg_steps] => Array
[attendee_information] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information Object
[_print_copy_info:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] =>
[_attendee_data:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_required_questions:EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information:private] => Array

[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] => 1
[_order:protected] => 10
[_slug:protected] => attendee_information
[_name:protected] => Attendee Information
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please answer the following registration questions before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[payment_options] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Payment_Options Object
[line_item_display:protected] =>
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 30
[_slug:protected] => payment_options
[_name:protected] => Payment Options
[_submit_button_text:protected] =>
[_template:protected] => /mnt/stor5-wc2-dfw1/526346/974022/
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] => Please select a method of payment and provide any necessary billing information before proceeding.
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object

[finalize_registration] => EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Finalize_Registration Object
[_completed:protected] =>
[_is_current_step:protected] =>
[_order:protected] => 999
[_slug:protected] => finalize_registration
[_name:protected] => Finalize Registration
[_submit_button_text:protected] => Finalize Registration
[_template:protected] =>
[_reg_form_name:protected] =>
[_success_message:protected] =>
[_instructions:protected] =>
[_valid_data:protected] => Array

[reg_form] =>
[checkout] => EE_Checkout Object


[available_payment_methods] => Array



  • Support Staff

December 9, 2015 at 9:26 am

Whoa, please do not post long blocks like this in a forum. You can use pastebin or a github gist and post a link in the reply instead.


Can you take a look at the objects below, there are differences between them but I have no idea of the significance.

Without member plugin:
[total_ticket_count] => 6

With member plugin:
[total_ticket_count] => 0

This means something in the member plugin has the effect of setting the number of tickets to 0.


I also have to assume that as you have not mentioned it, you have not experienced other users with a similar issue of not being able to add events to the cart with another plugin enabled. If you have PLEASE let me know the details as your plugin is way too large for me to reverse engineer and debug without assistance.

No we haven’t seen this unless caching is involved. I can recommend contacting the other plugin’s support, they may be able to help.


December 9, 2015 at 9:32 am


I’ve stepped through every stage of EED_Ticket_Selector->process_ticket_selections() debugging vars as i go. This process successfully get’s to line 607, I believe this is AFTER all validation, calls to calculate the cart totals, AND to save/update the cart.

In fact on line 595 EE_Registry::instance()->CART->save_cart( FALSE ); returns 1 (i assuming this is true).

The final step is the wp safe redirect to ‘/registration-checkout/#checkout’.

The big question is what could happen between sucessfully processing the ticket selections and redirecting to checkout.

EED_Single_Page_Checkout->_display_spco_reg_form() appears to be the method to render the checkout page. After redirect $empty_cart on line 1141 now returns true as $this->checkout->transaction->registrations( $this->checkout->reg_cache_where_params ) returns an empty array.

How can the cart be empty when the previous stage before redirect confirms that the cart has been saved successfully?


  • Support Staff

December 9, 2015 at 10:29 am

Might the ticket selections be getting deleted when your Ultimate Membership Pro plugin is activated?


December 9, 2015 at 12:31 pm


Good thought, but this occurs even when i follow this procedure:

1. Enable membership plugin
2. Close browser and clear cache
3. Reopen site and event calendar
4. Request tickets for an event
5. I’m then Redirected to checkout page with nothing in cart

I just can’t figure out why a third party plugin would be able to change a variable/param or transient for your plugin without specifically targeting a global var / transient or something similar.

How could another plugin go and alter the property of the object and change the total_ticket_count?


  • Support Staff

December 9, 2015 at 1:29 pm

It apparently can, and since I don’t have a copy of the other plugin, I could make some wild guesses, but that’s not going to help here.


December 9, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Unless there are global vars being used i don’t see how other functions would have scope to edit objects and arrays within classes or functions, so i don’t think that’s the issue.

As for transients, to alter data stored within the options table the third party would have to get, alter, then update the record in the options table. To do this it would have to specifically target the record via its unique name, and i see your slugs are all uniquely prefixed, so it can’t be that.

Would you like me to provide a link to download the plugin for you to review the process i outlined in the post (timecode December 9, 2015 at 9:32 am)

Although rare; it could well be an issue other users may have in the future


  • Support Staff

December 9, 2015 at 3:14 pm

As for transients, to alter data stored within the options table the third party would have to get, alter, then update the record in the options table. To do this it would have to specifically target the record via its unique name, and i see your slugs are all uniquely prefixed, so it can’t be that

Or how about this? It could be deleting the transients prematurely. For example, if there’s a garbage collection set to run on page loads for cleaning up old transients, and the other plugin is aggressive with the way it does its match (eg, effectively ignores the prefix) it could be deleting the ee session transients on the redirect to the checkout page.


December 9, 2015 at 3:24 pm

I’ve searched the plugin code base for any reference to transients (there are none), I also can’t find any option api or custom mysql which would delete records from the options table on mass.

Here is a download link for the plugin:


  • Support Staff

December 9, 2015 at 3:55 pm

I loaded up the plugin and activated it on my test site and the registration process continues to work as expected. There may be some other code on your site that’s affected by the membership plugin when it’s activated, so you might re-direct your troubleshooting accordingly.

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