Posted: January 24, 2014 at 12:24 pm
Please advise if there is a problem with this feature. Getting this error message when trying to download the PDF invoice from Payment Overview page. FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: http://… The logo URL is good, but for some reason the PDF generator is not liking it. |
Is it a jpeg or gif file? If you change it from a URL to a directory location does it work? Your server may have the allow_url_fopen disabled, or you may be missing the GD image manipulation library. |
Hi, Sidney. It is a jpeg file. Here is the URL that I pasted into the URL field in the invoice payment gateway. Not sure how to do that (change from URL to directory location). Do I need to check with my host to have that enabled, if so? Where can I find the GD image manipulation library? Is this something that is downloaded from EE or from WP? Please advise. I’d really like to have the logo on the invoices. Thanks. |
Hi Ronald, To clarify, you have added the URL to the Logo URL field in the Invoice settings? Can you make sure that there are no spaces at the start and end of the URL please? |
Hello Dean, Yes, that is correct, added to the Invoice Payment Setting. Checked it again and there are no spaces at the start or the end of the URL. Please advise. |
OK, was worth checking the simple things! Next check, please go to and search for image_default_link_type and make sure the field next to it contains the word file. If it doesn’t add it and save and see if that helps. Can you also go to Event Espresso > System Status and click the generate report button at the top, then copy and paste the details here please? |
Hello Dean: Yes, image_default_link_type had the word “file” in the field next to it. Hope the report below helps: <code> ============================================================================================= Versions ============================================================================================= Event Espresso version: WordPress version: WP 3.8.1 Installed plugins: Easy Testimonials by Illuminati Karate version 1.5.9, Event Espresso - Calendar by Event Espresso version 2.2.0.p, Event Espresso - Custom Template Display by Event Espresso version 1.0, Event Espresso - MailChimp Integration by version 1.2, Event Espresso - Social Media by Event Espresso version 1.1.7.p, Event Espresso Requirements Check by Event Espresso version 0.9, Event Espresso by Event Espresso version, Jetpack by by Automattic version 2.7, My Custom CSS by Salvatore Noschese - DarkWolf version 1.5, Social Media Icons Widget by Akin Williams version 1.2.7, WP Clone by WP Academy by WP Academy version 2.1.6 ============================================================================================= Settings ============================================================================================= Home URL: Site URL: ============================================================================================= Registration Pages ============================================================================================= Event Page: #5 - Payment/Thank You Page: #6 - Transaction Notification Page: #8 - Cancel Return Page: #7 - ============================================================================================= Server Environment ============================================================================================= PHP Version: 5.3.13 Server Software: Apache/2 WP Max Upload Size: 20 MB Server upload_max_filesize: 20 MB Server post_max_size: 20 MB WP Memory Limit: 40 MB - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: Increasing memory allocated to PHP WP Debug Mode: No Espresso Logging: Log directory is writable. ============================================================================================= PHP Sessions ============================================================================================= Session save path: /home/users/web/b1781/ipw.hdihawaii/public_html/cgi-bin/tmp is writable. Session name: PHPSESSID ============================================================================================= Remote Posting/IPN ============================================================================================= fsockopen/cURL: Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled. </code> |
The GD library is a php library that allows php to manipulate image files. Your host more than likely has it installed already. |
Hello, When I click on the link to check my PHP Info, I get taken to a 404 Not Found page. Please advise. |
Hi, I tested the download above and the plugin worked fine here, it should look like this |
Hi. The plugin works fine and I can see that screen, but it doesn’t show the GD Image Manip. setting. I have to click on a link to see more details, and when I do, I get taken to a 404 page. Something must be wrong on my server/with my hosting. Please advise. |
Hi Ronald, The server config is set up in a way that the Requirements plugin cant detect everything. It may be a good idea to have a quick word with your host to see if the GD library is installed or not. |
Hey, Dean: This is the response I got back from my host: “PHP supports image manipulation library and I have enabled fopen in the php.ini file so that you can open files in php.” But when I try to link a logo to PDF invoice in EE, I still get the same error message. Any ideas? Thank you. |
Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this? If so, please send them via NOTE: login details need to be Admin level and FTP details are appreciated. Also can you advise which file in the Media Library you are trying to use for the logo? |
Dean, Please advise if you received my PHP report URL. Thank you. |
Hi, Yes we got that info, but I wanted to test out the actual media file on your site to see if there is a different reason why it is not working. The login details do not seem to work, can you clarify these please? (via email) Also please remove the phpinfo() file from your site when not in active use, it’s a security risk to leave it available. |
Will do. Thank you. |
Hi, Thanks again for the login details. Everything is still pointing towards a server issue. The last message from your host said “I have enabled fopen in the php.ini” Is it possible to confirm that in the php.ini it definitely has allow_url_fopen = on ? The error is suggesting that this is not “on” but the message from your host suggests it is. |
Dean, I just checked the PHP info again and it is set to OFF. It was not enabled after all. Sent them a request to enable it, so hopefully it should be ready to test again from your side by tomorrow. Thank you for all of your hard work and for helping me. I really appreciate it. |
No problem. You can test it easily once you get the OK from the host, just add an image in the Invoice settings and try to download an invoice. If it throws an error let me know. |
It works! Thank you, Dean, for all of your help! Case closed. |
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