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Non-Profit Pre Sale Questions

Posted: February 21, 2013 at 10:53 am

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Janet Atkinson

February 21, 2013 at 10:53 am

I’m pricing out a new website for a non-profit and I’d like to recommend Event Expresso. In order to price correctly, I would would need the non-profit discount price. I’d like to price the add-ons as separate line items to allow the client to pick and choose the features they want. Also would need pricing for annual renewals. The license would be for one website only.

Also confirming features needed:
-Full reporting of event ticket sales and registration of events via cvs/spreadsheets.
-The ability to list and link to past events for recap info/images.
-Search events by event name/organization/city
-Capability with MediaTemple Hosting OK?

I would greatly appreciate your answers asap as I have to submit my proposal by tomorrow am.

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

February 21, 2013 at 2:22 pm

Hi Janet,

I replied to your non-profit questions via email. For the more technical questions:

  • You can export the data for additional reporting.
  • You can decide when you want to remove an event. Event Espresso only closes the registration.
  • Media Temple will work ok (as far as we know). We do recommend taking a look at the requirements page and running the Requirements Check plugin:

Janet Atkinson

February 21, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Thanks for your prompt reply.

-Thanks for the pricing info. Confirming renewals are not essential but recommended for support and upgrades?
-I did the test drive. Curious, is search by event name / city / organization available “out to the box” with something like a drop down choose?
-Also to follow up on past events. Wondering if this would require custom work. On the test site there is an event dated 2/18 which has passed and still shows as upcoming. I would like the past events to automatically move from upcoming to display as a list on an archive page. Each past event links back to the original event item with updated recap info.
-Do past events remain on the calendar. Same thing I would like to retain the links to go back to the archived item.

Thanks so much!

Mary Ann

February 21, 2013 at 3:41 pm

I also need the the non-profit discount price and the renewal price. Business License for one site. Thank you.

Janet Atkinson

February 21, 2013 at 4:04 pm

Another question. I am not clear how the ticketing mobile app works. The attendee shows the pdf containing the QXR code, but how is the code scanned? With a smart phone as well? Sorry if this is a silly question. Just under a time constraint and can’t find all the details needed. It’s such a great feature I want to incorporate this in my bid!

Seth Shoultes

February 21, 2013 at 10:20 pm

Hi Janet, Yes, attendee shows the printout of the pdf ticket, containing the QR code, which can then be scanned using a (Android or iPhone) smart phone. The QR codes can also be attached to the registration emails. The emails containing the QR code, can then be scanned, from the attendees smart phone display.

We also have an iPad app that should be released in the coming week. The iPad app will allow you to scan tickets and manage attendee check-ins.

Janet Atkinson

February 22, 2013 at 6:27 am

Thanks for your response.
I am posting this question again as it may have been overlooked:
I did the test drive. Curious, is search by event name / city / organization available “out to the box” with something like a drop down choose?
-Also to follow up on past events. Wondering if this would require custom work. On the test site there is an event dated 2/18 which has passed and still shows as upcoming. I would like the past events to automatically move from upcoming to display as a list on an archive page. Each past event links back to the original event item with updated recap info.
-Do past events remain on the calendar. Same thing I would like to retain the links to go back to the archived item.

Your answers are greatly appreciated.

Jonathan Wilson

February 25, 2013 at 10:34 am

Hello Janet,

Sorry for the delay. We don’t have a detailed search function currently. You can use shortcodes to display event list dropdowns and limit events to the dropdowns. In other words, if you have different categories set up, you can display those categories in individual dropdowns.

The event you referenced is set to ongoing. That is why it is showing as open for registration. Otherwise, unless you set the calendar to show expired events (with a shortcode) they will drop off of the calendar.

If you wanted to display a link to current events within an expired event’s description, this can be done by simply pasting the link to the current events in the description.

Let us know if you have anymore questions.

Janet Atkinson

February 25, 2013 at 11:40 am

Perfect. Thanks for your response.

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