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no results…

Posted: January 17, 2013 at 4:56 am

Tracy Edwards

January 17, 2013 at 4:56 am

I have put up previous forums posts and never got this sorted since I installed this product so would really appreciate some help to resolve this and another issue I know have:

I have setup two regional managers so they can login and create their own events for their areas.

They can create venues via the venue manager but when the create their event they cannot see any venues listed and the only way round this is to use the venue short code in the description.

Under the users they have been assigned the role of Espresso Regional Manager. I have also have them assigned to the venue manager.

My second issue is that when they create their own events and somone take a place they are not getting any of the emails all the emails are going to the main email address in wordpress that is defined under settings, general settings.

I have been through everything and cannot see anything I have missed off for this to work but we were expecting that the event emails would go through to the regional manager who owns the event?

If someone can please help me get this site off the ground it would be really really appreciated.




  • Support Staff

January 22, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Hi Tracy,

I’d like to help you with this. Can you let me know which version numbers of Event Espresso, the Roles & Permissions add-ons, and the Roles and Permissions Pro are installed?

Tracy Edwards

January 23, 2013 at 2:52 am

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the reply really appreciated. The versions are:
Event Expresso Version
Event Espresso – Calendar Version 2.0.3
Event Espresso – Permissions Version 1.5.3
Event Espresso – Recurring Events Version 1.1.7
Event Espresso – Roles and Permissions Pro Version 2.0.5-beta
Event Espresso – Social Media Version 1.1.4




  • Support Staff

January 25, 2013 at 12:36 pm

Hi Tracy,

I’d suggest trying the 1.5.4-alpha release of Permissions, and 2.0.6-beta release of R&P pro. I tested the venue management issue out on those releases, and couldn’t reproduce this. The regional manager account could select venues in the event editor.

With the admin emails, the regional manager will need to add their email address to the “Alternate Email Address” field. By default, all emails will go to the main admin unless an email address is added to that field.

Tracy Edwards

February 7, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Hi Josh,

I have updated these and I have also updated event expresso to Version

It has not made any difference.

So to summarise:
The regional manager when logged on cannot see any venues they have created when they add an event
They also cannot post their event to the latest news category so it shows up on the site.
And I have just discovered they cannot export the attendee lists when you do this the excel or csv says No participant data collected however when if you login as admin you can do all of the above so it definately looks like a permissions issue.

I have been over all the user roles stuff and cannot see anything wrong and I do not have any other member or user plugin installed and am running 3.5 version of wordpress.





  • Support Staff

February 12, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Hi Tracy,

It might help if someone from support can log in and see how you have things set up.

If that’s possible, please send admin level credentials via our contact form:


  • Support Staff

February 13, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Hi Tracy,

I’ve spent part of the day looking at this. I installed the user account switching plugin so I could investigate. This is set up differently than what I’ve set up, so I need some more time to work through what’s going on here.


  • Support Staff

February 14, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Hi Tracy,

I’m still looking into this. Can you try setting “Regional managers can edit venues assigned to them?” to No? I’m getting some WordPress database errors on my setup when that is set to yes.

With this issue:

They also cannot post their event to the latest news category so it shows up on the site.

They would need to have the “do something with_posts” capabilities checked on in the user roles manager (eg. publish_posts, edit_published_posts & edit_others_posts). The caveat is the author selector of that feature will not display Regional managers, but they can select any username that has the editor role of author. So a workaround is to create a user account with an author role if you want their name to show up as the author of the post.

The export issue a known issue with the current alpha of the Roles and Permissions Pro add-on and we have an open ticket to fix it.

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