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no results… (44)

Posted: December 18, 2012 at 8:01 pm

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December 18, 2012 at 8:01 pm


Just upgraded to and suddenly payment processing through STRIPE is being declined because its being submitted as a $0 charge. Here’s the log from STRIPE:

> Parsed Request POST Body
> description: “LINEITEM~PRODUCTID=12+DESCRIPTION=BMC Server Automation
> 8.2: Foundation – Part 2[01-14-2013] >> Vinnie Lima QUANTITY=1 UNITCOST=0.00” card: name: “Vinnie Lima” cvc: “***” exp_month: “12”
> exp_year: “2012” number: “************4242” currency: “USD” amount:
> “0” Response body
> error: type: “invalid_request_error” param: “amount” message: “Amount
> must be at least 50c”

Here’s the entry from the espresso_log.txt:

> [ 2012-12-18 21:42:10 ] payment_page.php -> event_espresso_pay
> Payment for: Lima, Vinnie|| attendee_session id: 8204f6a2b309a02567a284974e7ff3b6-50d127ea6a90e0.45197260||
> registration id: 1-50d1296e2556d|| transaction details:
> a:2:{s:6:”status”;i:0;s:9:”error_msg”;s:26:”Failed to charge the
> card.”;}

No customizations have been made to espresso, and this was working previously.

Please advise, thanks.
Vinnie Lima

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


December 19, 2012 at 8:52 am

Hi There,

Need support in resolving this issue.

Thank you,

Jonathan Wilson

December 19, 2012 at 4:47 pm

Hello Vinicius,

Sorry for the delay.

You may have outdated gateway files. Look for any files and folders in wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways.

You can rename this directory to /gatewaysOLD. If you had made customizations to the previous version’s gateway files, these can be re-made with the new gateway files.


December 19, 2012 at 5:01 pm


I looked there but there are no files in that directory.



December 19, 2012 at 7:56 pm

Per your request:

1) Are there files in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates -or- /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways?

No, those directories exist but are empty.

2) If so, what files are there

No files there.

3) Please let us know which add-ons are installed and which version numbers for each of them.

Please see attached XLS here.


December 21, 2012 at 9:11 pm

I looked a bit further on this, and I believe its a PHP bug where the $ amount value is not being passed correctly.

I temporarily edited the “do_transaction.php located under wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/gateways/stripe directory. Can someone tell me if the following line (which invokes the transaction against STRIPE is correct?

$response = $cls_stripe->do_transaction($payment_data[‘total_cost’], $cc, $csc, $exp_month, $exp_year, $bname, $line_item);

It seems to be its missing something, as the amount value is not being passed to STRIPE. See the stripe log error below associated with the POST:

> card: name: “Vinnie Lima” exp_month: “12” exp_year: “2012” cvc: “***”
> number: “************4242” amount: “0” description:
> Foundation – Part 2[01-14-2013] >> Vinnie LimaQUANTITY=1
> UNITCOST=0.00” currency: “USD”

The problem to me seems to be with the:


Variable, not carrying forward the correct value?

Any help appreciated, thanks.



  • Support Staff

December 24, 2012 at 10:31 am

Hi Vinnie,

Can you update to the current version of the Groupon/Social coupons add-on and let us know if that does not resolve this for you?


December 24, 2012 at 12:45 pm

Hi Josh,

I would, but I can’t auto update (another thread about this)…….



  • Support Staff

December 24, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Hi Vinnie,

You can manually update the Groupon add-on by deactivating it, then delete it. Then you can download the new version from your account page Then you can install from the WordPress plugin installer.

If you’d prefer to use the automatic update, you’ll need to deactivate the Groupon add-on, log into the site via FTP and rename the espresso-groupon folder in wp-content/plugins to espresso-groupons, then reactivate. After you reactivate, you’ll receive an auto update notification for the groupon add-on.


December 24, 2012 at 2:32 pm

OK I’ve updated all of the plug ins, and just tested STRIPE and same problem – $0 charge attempted which then is denied by stripe.

I need this resolved asap….


  • Support Staff

December 24, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Hi Vinnie,

I tried to look at your site and run a test registration in order to rule out what may be causing this, but the Stripe gateway was deactivated.

The older version of Groupon installed would have affected the total_cost variable, and by updating to the latest version of Groupon that would have resolved that issue. Did you change the code you modified back to its original state?

Another thing to check is if you have the Members add-on installed and active, make sure that there is a price set for members (not $0).

I’m running the same version of Event Espresso on my dev site with the Stripe gateway, and it is passing the correct dollar amount to Stripe when I run a test transaction, so I’m at a loss on why this is happening only on your site.

Is it possible for you to activate Stripe and set Stripe into test mode ( you’ll need to swap in test credentials in Event Espresso>payment settings and set the account to use test mode ) temporarily so we can run a test registration?

If you’re interested in running through a test registration on my dev site where this is working, I have the Stripe gateway activated here. You can use 4242424242424242 as the test cc number when running the test.


December 24, 2012 at 9:17 pm

Hi Josh,

I’ve updated to the latest version of Groupon addon (1.5.2) and validated that all of our events have the same price for both public and members.

I’ve activated the stripe payment with my dev keys so you can test. I’ve been testing it the same way you’ve been (using the test credit card). The problem is not stripe, the problem is something with the variable total_cost. Either its not being carried correctly or the call to stripe is not in the right order (or missing a var?).

Any case, thanks for looking into this. Merry Christmas.



  • Support Staff

December 26, 2012 at 8:17 am

Hi Vinnie,

The latest version of the Groupon add-on is actually 1.5.3. Groupon 1.5.2 is not compatible with Event Espresso because it used a different method to calculate $total_cost, among other things.

Can you please update to the new version (1.5.3)? Here are step by step instructions for updating the Groupon add-on:

1) The Groupon add-on needs to be deactivated and deleted before updating. This can be done from the WordPress plugin manager page.

2) You can download the new version from your account page. It is labeled “Groupon Integration 1.5.3”

3) You can install from the WordPress plugin installer page by clicking Add New, then Upload, and select the zip file that you just downloaded. After the plugin installs, it will give you an option to activate it with one click.


December 26, 2012 at 9:41 am

It worked!!!! That was it, the groupon add on was one version behind!

Thank you!

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