My events have a price, however we typically send out invoices for these events rather than process the payment through something like Paypal. Whenever someone tries to register for my events they receive a message saying they need to complete payment before the registration is confirmed… Is there anyway to show the price and still allow them to register for the event without paying first?
If you set the default payment status to “Pending”, it will reserve their spot without requiring payment. You can change the wording of the message by changing the language string in the translation file, or edit the template directly. The language file route is recommended since most text strings in Event Espresso are translatable. While you could go through multiple template and function files to reword these, it’s a lot cleaner and easier to maintain if you create your own “English” translation file. Here’s a brief outline on how to do this:
Thanks Josh this is exactly what I wanted to know.
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