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no results… (26)

Posted: December 6, 2012 at 12:44 pm

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December 6, 2012 at 12:44 pm

I am trying to figure out two things.

One it show to set permissions so that certain users I can add can only access, update and work on one specific event on my WordPress site. I don’t want them messing up other peoples’ events.

Two is figuring out how to create events with registration pages for people who do not want online payments to be part of the process. They just want their contact listed in the event for now because they have not configured online payment methods yet but they DO want the prices listed.

Thank you.

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


December 6, 2012 at 12:46 pm

Sorry about the typos. I meant “One is how to set permissions … ”


December 7, 2012 at 6:17 am

Hi Michelle,

1) You can use the Roles and Permissions Basic and Pro to allow users to set up events and only manage their own. It does not however, allow you to specify which events they can work on, it is just the ones that they create.

2) If I understand you correctly you want users to be able to register but not pay. It’s quite easy in that if they register and get to the payment overview page, they are logged in the system. From that point they can cancel, and will be in the database and you can see which users are paid and which arent and send reminders. You may wish to set up Invoice or Money order/Check/Cheque payment gateways and amend the information in th gateway to say: Pay Later, and then supply some extra info.


December 7, 2012 at 4:30 pm

I am sorry – I don’t quite get the first answer. What do I call that user in Roles and Permissions? All I see is Espresso Master Admin. No separate role that is just Event Admin. How do I set it up so that a user can login and create an event and then only access that one event? Is that possible or will they have access to the whole espresso dashboard and all of the events? Do i have to add all of those users as Espresso Master Admins?


December 7, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Also, does all of the information about an event that someone creates get e-mailed directly to them if I choose “Alternate e-mail”? on the sidebar?


December 7, 2012 at 5:55 pm

If I choose Alternate e-mail, is that who gets the invoice? That is the most important thing. I want each event creator to receive the invoices.


December 7, 2012 at 8:33 pm

Sorry – another question. Is there a way for registration information to be sent to the event admin via e-mail even before a user completes payment? It seems like an official e-mail to the event admin is not generated unless they pay in full and the registration is complete. Even with the invoicing and pay by check options (which is what we are using for now) this leaves the registration status as open and the only way to see if someone has registered is to get into the Espresso console. I was hoping an e-mail could be automatically sent once they are in the database. Is that possible or do they have to access that information through the Espresso dashboard?


December 10, 2012 at 12:05 am

Hi Michelle,

Sorry for the delay in responding.

Regarding Roles and Permissions (R&P) there are two versions: R&P Basic and R&P Pro. The Basic one allows you to have an Event Admin, which is similar to the standard Admin role.

The R&P Pro allows you to have extra roles including Event Manager, which means you can limit what they can see and do in Event Espresso. R&P Pro requires Basic to be installed.

Once you have created the user and assigned them the correct settings (permissions) they can log in and will only see the EE sections you have given them access to (e.g. Event Overview). They only have access to events they create so when the go to Event Overview for the first time, it will be empty.

I would strongly suggest you only have trusted (very trusted) users as Master Admins, as they have a lot of control over your site. Event Managers have very limited control, only to Event Espresso and the portions of Event Espresso that you allow.

Alternate email – yes, it will go to that email address. You can comma separate them (e.g.,, to send them to multiple addresses.

Regarding invoices, I am not clear what you mean. The event manager can see all the attendee info for their events including invoices, but all payments will rout through the main admin’s (you) gateway. We do not currently have the ability to have multiple gateways of each type (eg more than one PayPal basic, more than one invoice gateway etc)

Yes you can send emails to admin by setting “Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?” to yes in the General Settings, or you can change “Default Payment Status (this value will be automatically filled in for each person’s payment status, until payment is made, for each event):” to Completed, also in the General Settings.

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