
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Customize 3 instances of registration page (need help editing .php)

Customize 3 instances of registration page (need help editing .php)

Posted: May 2, 2013 at 1:15 pm

Matthew Johansen

May 2, 2013 at 1:15 pm

I created the Registration page and also put [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] in it on a line. But we also have the following text

The following are the classes that are available this summer. We will be releasing more start dates for the Fall. If you wish to purchase graduate credit you will have the opportunity to do so in Week 1 of the TDC course (additional instructions will be provided). If you have any questions be sure to contact us!”

We only want this welcome text on the first page above all of the events listed, but it shows up when you continue and press register, and so on. Is there a way to remove the welcome text and paragraph from the other pages? We would prefer not to make a separate page with the welcome text and paragraph, and then putting the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] in another page by itself. Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

WordPress 3.5.1

Event Espresso Version (New Installation) (The page is public, just not included in our menu on our site for the public yet)



May 3, 2013 at 4:22 am

Hello Matthew,

Most of the registration pages actually just use one page and dynamically change the data, so entering content onto the page with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] will show that content through most of the event registration process.

There are ways you could do it, but they would involve coding and modifying the templates in order to track what url you are on and display a message or not.

I would probably use a page with the EVENT_LIST shortcode instead of the default and use something like this to detect the page url

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